Chapter - 3

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Arav's POV

When the car came to a halt, I realized we have reached in front of the marriage register office. I don’t know why but I am a little afraid. Is it because I am going to get married?

'Oh come on Arav this is not a real marriage for you. You are going to come out of this marriage within one year. Just think of this as a new adventure in your life. You are doing this just for your parents. There is nothing to be afraid of or even think of. Be cool.’

‘Yes, there are many things to think of. Arav, marriage is not a joke. This is a lifetime commitment. From today onwards that girl would be your responsibility. Marriage is a sacred bond between two people. Don’t take this as an adventure in your life. If you don’t want to do this marriage then don’t do it. But don’t ruin one's life. Don’t  play with others' emotions.’

‘Don’t listen to this nonsense. Arav, your would-be wife is a gold digger just like that woman, who ruined your brother’s life. So there is nothing wrong if you take this marriage as an adventure of your life just for some time.’

‘Arav, you are not sure if she is a gold digger or not? Without knowing or can say even seeing someone, you shouldn’t judge her.’

‘Really! If she is not a gold digger then why does she want to marry Arav? Arav, you know very well all the women who want to marry you they just want your money.’

Again an argument started between my mind and heart. Turmoil is going on inside me. I don’t understand who is right. I am in a very dilemma. Should I do this marriage or not? I am confused.
My thoughts are broken feeling a touch on my shoulder. I turned my face and saw my father looking at me with a small smile on his face.

DHIRAJ : son, I know you didn’t want this marriage. You are doing this because I have threatened you. But you haven’t left any options for me. The lifestyle you have been living isn’t good. This is not life. Life can’t go on like that. I have seen how people have started to give you less importance in business deals and the reason is your way of living. Everyone knows after the evening where to find Arav Malhotra. Son, I am now old…you both brothers are my life. You both were my pride but everything was ruined. I can’t change your brother’s life but I can’t see you ruining your life like this anymore… so I have decided your marriage. Trust me Mr. Aggarwal is also a billionaire so I am sure his daughter will not be like 'her'. She will not be a gold digger.

Seeing so much pain in my dad's eyes I am feeling bad. I know this is not just for my brother, I am also the reason for his pain. I know how nowadays people see me. In their eyes I am nothing. Sometimes some businessman sends women to me to do a deal. I know how much dad feels bad seeing all these things. We both were dad's pride. My brother was such a great businessman but everything was ruined just because of one woman. I didn’t want to be like this but I didn’t know what else to do. I was afraid to again fell for another woman so I started this one-night stand but now this has become my habit. I can’t change that.

I am sorry dad… I am sorry for disappointing you. I am sorry for giving you and mom so much pain.

DHIRAJ : son, I know you can’t think that you are going to spend all your life with a person you don’t know anything about. But you know, your mom and my marriage also happened like this. Our marriage is an arranged marriage. I hadn’t even seen your mother before our marriage day… and look at me now, I can’t even think of a day without seeing her. It is the beauty of marriage. So don’t think too much. Now let’s go…they must be waiting for us.

How can I tell you dad my marriage will not be like yours… because no woman is like mom. I am sure that my wife will also be a gold digger even if her dad is a billionaire otherwise she can't want to marry me. Sorry, dad… but I will not continue this marriage.

With this determination, I came out of the car after dad from another side of the car. Only dad and I have come here…mom is a little angry at dad because dad has decided court marriage for me and also he informed her tomorrow like me that today is my marriage. Yesterday a little quarrel happened because of this…but of course, mom didn’t want to argue about it more because her goal is also the same as dad, my marriage. So to show her anger and also prepare everything at home for my bride's welcome she decided to stay at home, as she has been very busy preparing everything from the morning actually not morning from yesterday night. After hearing the news and calming down a little she started preparing everything…and bhai…he rarely comes out of his den, which is his room. After his failed marriage, he rarely interact with us. My jolly brother became the quietest one now. He stopped working at the office, he rarely comes out of his room. He almost spends the entire day in his room. His condition was even worse before but now he is getting better after this new physiologist, whom bua(Aunt) has arranged, started counselling. Hope he will again be my same jolly brother. Sighed! All this happened because of his marriage with that woman… and now I am going to get marriage… don’t know what’s going to happen in my life.

I looked up and see ahead where my would-be bride…What the f*ck!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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