- Sometimes when the fight is really bad, he would make a rude comment. But will immediately apologise to you

- It would take a few minutes before he would calm down


-It was a quit cozy aftermoon. Today you were helping Louis in the kitchen. Louis is going to show you how to make the famous Stargazy pie for William

- For Louis it was a stressful day, with all the chores, the cooking/baking and then doing the things with you, is a little bit complicated

- You on the other hand, you are pretty excited. You rarely get the chance to to thing with Louis, because of all his obligations. Plus, you see it as a little baking date

- You chopped the potatoes, while Louis prepared the other things you need to do for this cake

[How in this world can this be Williams favourite dish? I searched it up and was shocked]

- Your part was it to put the pie in the oven and remember when it must get out. Unfortunately, your weakness is your time management and that you forgot things sometime

- After some time, Louis asked you when the pie is ready. And in that moment you freeze to death. You forget the pie in the oven. Seeing your shocked face, Louis and you are running up to the oven and seeing the pie burned, not eatable anymore

- "Dammit [name], it was a really easy task to do and not even this you can do. I guess you did enough for today. Please leave now." Louis hissed at you

- Running out of the kitchen -past the others- you made your way to your room. Closing it and slowly slide down the door, you begun to cry

 Closing it and slowly slide down the door, you begun to cry

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

- If you two had a fight, he would apologize at first

- He is very patient and calm with you, and giving his best to calm you down

- He really hate fighting with you. So, he would try to reconcile with you


- You hated it. Wherever you are with Albert there are always so many women too. You can't have a normal, romantic fate with him without getting interrupt

- This can be seen at a party, when you're walking together and even on his workplace sometimes. He also get many gifts from them

- And like most of the times, you were sitting next to the buffet, while watching how the Ladys get close to Albert. They are telling him how handsome he looks or how impressed they are by his work

- The thing is that Albert don't push them away. He just let it endure. It makes you sad that he don't give you so much attention

- It's been over an hour that Albert is talking to people. You even thought that he may already forgot about you. You were just going to leave the party, but a hand grabbed yours

Moriarty the Patriot - Scenarios/OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ