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How simple a word, but how deep the meaning.

No one shows love like the original forbidden lovers, Nut and Geb.

Nut, the Egyptian goddess of the sky.

Glowing in the night, speckled with shining freckles.

Geb, the Egyptian god of the Earth.

Rigid with peaks and hills, valleys and gulches.

Both beauties unmatched.

It only makes sense that they'd be madly in love with each other.

But there's one issue.

They were too close. So close in fact that no life could thrive between the two.

They needed an intervention.

Along came Shu, the Egyptian god of Air, wind and the skies.

He agreed to send love letters from Nut to Geb as long as they'd never touch again, because if they did, all life in between would be destroyed, including Shu's own life.

And so, they agreed.

Nut and Geb could no longer touch, no matter how much they tried.

Even the highest mountain tops, aching for the gentle caresses of the sky, couldn't reach the forever stretching fields of clouds above.

The sky wanted to touch the Earth in Egypt too.

She reached with her storms, begged Shu to cast down heavy winds, but it was never enough.

Eventually, they stopped trying.

The land that Geb ruled became barren and dry, and Nut stopped sending down her little water love letters to the Earth.

Meanwhile, Shu's domain was thriving and beautiful, flourishing with life. But the problem was, they needed the sky and the land. The stars, the Sun, the Moon, it was their clock. They needed Geb's land, it was where they lived, how they made their livelihoods.

The people, feeling guilty for destroying the strongest bond in creation just for their own selfish gain, and desperate to stay alive, knew they had to pitch in.

With Geb's land being drier by the day, the civilians worked and worked and worked for years and years and years.

And finally . . .

The wonderous love letters stood resolute, showing that Nut and Geb should rekindle their love.

Shu was the first to take notice, gently blowing air towards the large buildings, curiously.

Geb was next, rumbling with glee.

And finally, Nut noticed, confused but intrigued.

No, not intrigued.

She looked down in adoration, realizing just how much she truly meant to not just the people, but Geb.

It seemed that their plan had worked, and now all that was left to do was to wait for Nut to return the favor. 

She thought, and thought, and thought.

Finally, she saw the proposal fit to bring forth her own.

Nut sent all of the love she could, winds from Shu, rain, even a bit of frost in the mornings to lightly kiss even the smallest features of Geb's land.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed with the sheer amount of love, Geb made a special place in his heart for all of the affection.

He created a river, a gorgeous large river, running down for what feels like forever.

The love never stopped, each gently giving little gifts to one another.

There's joy, and there's tears.

But the lovely peaks still stand, and Nut's love still flows through Geb's heart.

Shu still stands between the two, but he's been embraced as necessary and a part of the family, almost like a neighbor.

Even today, hundreds of years later, you can still see the lovely result of their forbidden love.

The sky goddess and the god of the Earth.

Bound to never touch found a way, and they always will.


A horror movie started talking about these lovebirds so I felt inspired heheh hope you liked it, I wrote it at 3 AM-

And yes, I know, this isn't accurate to real Egyptian myth, but I'm writing from memory, and I'm writing in a fantastical sense, so suck my nut.

Get it? Nut?

Nut and GebHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin