Chapter 10-Gift of Gratitude

Start from the beginning

After the purchase, I felt like going to a more secluded place. Maybe somewhere open and fresh, like the rooftop. I'm sure I can get a better view of the sunset from there.

I slowly strolled to the school, devouring my ice cream on the way there. I started climbing the stairs to the rooftop, my silent steps echoing throughout the stairway. As I got closer, I could hear a faint noise. With each step I took, I could hear it more and more clearly. When I was just a couple of steps away, the sound registered. It sounded like. . .moaning?

The noise was penetrating, and I could feel something stir inside me. Have I finally awakened the emotions hidden in the deepest depths of this empty shell? That's quite an edgy way to say I'm horny, but really it's just chemical reactions involving my hormones so am I really feeling anything?

I went up as discreetly as I could and peeked through the door.

I regret peeking through the door.

What I saw was such an unholy sight that the author's limited vocabulary can't even begin to describe it. Even though it was so. . .uncanny, I couldn't take my eyes of this sight. Throughout most of my life, I've been learning everything, with boundless amounts of knowledge that a normal person could never hope to learn in a lifetime. I thought that I knew it all.

How naive I was. Society really isn't like how they described it in books. If I hadn't spent a year outside the white room I would probably be even more confused.

Through the crack of the door sat a lone girl looking at her phone. Based on the documents I looked at on that government official's computer, she was Shiranami Chihiro from Class 1-B. She was um, pleasuring herself with a picture of Ichinose Honami from Class 1-B as well.

I've read about lesbians on the internet, but I've never actually saw one myself. I felt like I was looking at an entirely new specimen, and her moaning was getting even louder. Doing it outside was very brave (and kinky) as well. Anyways, this was pretty interesting, so I decided to take a picture to commemorate this moment of discovery.

Luckily my phone was on mute, or else she would probably drop out from hearing someone taking a picture of this scenery.

That's why I decided to post the picture on the school forums. Using another account, of course.

I mean, I had to share my discoveries with the world, right? That's what they taught us in the white room, anyways (even though we never could if I never destroyed it). Plus it was kind of funny as well, so why not?

After posting the picture, I continued to watch. For research purposes, of course. I mean, as a curious person that has barely interacted with society, how could I not? Yes, all of it is for science and knowledge.

Since I had nothing else to do, I might as well eat my dinner here.

After conquering the bread, I decided to head back to the dorms. Honestly, I was surprised that Shiranami was still going at it when I left. However, I stumbled upon an uninteresting sight upon returning: Horikita.

Initially I planned to just get a drink from the vending machine and then head back to my dorms, but then I noticed Horikita's apprehensive expression. She seemed real slim and shady, so I decided to follow her.

She turned the corner, and I was about to as well until I sensed another person with her.

"Suzune. I didn't think you'd follow me this far," he said.

Wow, Horikita engaging in social activity? I never knew she was capable of it.

"Hmph. I'm far different from the useless girl you once knew, niisan. I came here to catch you."

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