Mana Sama X Reader

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HEYYY sorry for the long update.. I previously worked on a different story but I wasn't really into it as I reread it hehe.
Just want to inform you guys that you may put requests in the comments along with some details (if you can) about the story that you ask me of writing!! (Also now added that info into this book's description).

Also this fic was inspired from that one moment in an interview where Mana said that he would want his lover to be like his doll (I think from the 99 questions interview? But I'm not sure tho, I could be wrong..)
Anyways, please enjoy some Mana content 🕺


Fingers softly stroke against your hair as they follow directly after the hairbrush that carefully combed through it. There, inside this giant castle-like bedroom, you sat in front of a 'baroque' designed mirror with a gold sculpted frame. It was hung up on the wall over a white dressing table, very pleasingly spotless and clean with much free space considering its wide size, but a few decorative items and flowers were placed on it as well. Mana currently stood behind you, easily looming over you from the higher boots that he wore. He silently set his eyes upon your frame, cutely dolled up to his liking by wearing a simple and delicate dress that he had thoughtfully chose for you to wear.

Just before, he had asked you if he could have you try on some clothes and accessorize you, which was just for the simple fun of playing dress-up. Like a real life doll! Except, you weren't exactly supposed to put it on yourself, he actually wanted to put it on for you instead, oddly. But, you openly allowed him to do so, joining in his amusing childlike indulgence. But, the previous memory of him doing so has stuck into your memory and left you with stirring emotion. The timid feeling of him slipping off your previous clothing to change you into new ones, his hand that lightly brushed against your bare skin as he pulled up your stockings, and his eyes that pierced right through you as he precisely painted on your makeup.

Being in the same room with his presence alone had mostly made you feel nervous, but only because of his allurement. Completely mesmerized by him, you felt like your heart instantly froze up if he ever caught you staring, much to his amusement. But after a little bit more time, you've eventually grown more used to him as you two hanged out more. Though most of the times from his emotionless expression, you could never seem to see what thoughts hid behind his porcelain like face. But yet for some reason you always felt like he could see right through you, just for him to see every little secret that you hide.

The sound of a faint click pulls your attention away from your previous thoughts, and you look back up at the feminine figure that had just now finished grooming your hair. The hairbrush that had been set down on the desk in front of you was perfectly placed in a straight line, of course coming from his well organized nature. He then goes on to open the top drawer of the desk that reveal many different ribbon bows that all sat neatly on top of a velvet cushion underneath. All kinds of colours, shapes and designs were beautifully presented in your view as you looked in amazement. You could picture some imaginative sparkles going all around them.

While looking down, he takes a look at all of them, trying to make up a decision on which to choose. During this thoughtful process, he holds up one of the accessories up before placing it right on top of your head as he slightly tilts his head to the side. But with a disapproving shake of his head, he puts it back to its place in a modish manner. You patiently wait for his next decision as you rest your hands respectfully on your lap, silently fiddling with the hem of your skirt. Now finding another different bow with a matchable design to your dress, he nods in approval before clipping it carefully onto the side of your head. You admire your own reflection in astonishment now that your look is finally complete, feeling happy with how beautifully it turned out as Mana fixes your hair a bit from the sides. If you payed closer attention to his mouth at the moment, you would've seen the small tug at his lips as he almost noticeably smiled.

Ma petite poupée!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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