Chapter 1: Out of My Way!

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Shuddering, you dashed through the corridor you were in to the next door which opened with a sharp beep. You found multiple dressers and drawers scattered in a moderately-sized L-shaped room. Opening them, you found love letters, leftover waste paper and even sharpened pencils. In a bit, you even found a bottle of vitamins. It had no expiry date written on it.

You decided to keep them for now, after all you were going to escape and show that people can come back from this hotel; and show this old bottle as proof. You opened the bottle, surprised to see that there were actual consumable tablets inside.

"This thing doesn't even look rotten!" you scoffed to yourself, shaking out a tablet onto your palm. It was perfectly pinkish white, and it even looked like anyone could eat it without getting horrible food poisoning and end up in a hospital. "Is this truly from the 1960s?"

You looked outside of the antique windows, pushing aside the brownish red curtains.

Rainwater slid down the glass panes, the thunder and lightning outside rumbling loudly

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Rainwater slid down the glass panes, the thunder and lightning outside rumbling loudly. You found the sounds of nature to be calming as you looked outside for a brief bit, the stars in the sky twinkling magically like beautiful fluorescent lights.

You let out a sigh, putting your foot back onto the dust-coated floorboards and walking over to the next door which was labelled 0002.

The door opened with yet another sharp beep, revealing a hallway which was shaped like a cross. More drawers were scattered about, with all of them being filled with either pencils or paper.


It's been 7 doors so far, and nothing interesting has happened. You were slowly growing more bored and bored of the silence. All you could hear was the opening of drawers, beeps and your footsteps across the wooden floor.

You felt your footsteps getting heavier by the second as you opened the next door to reveal a hallway filled with around 4 to 6 closets as the lights flashed multiple times.

"Did the light just-" you whispered to yourself as you heard continued faint commotion in a distance. Afraid it may be someone checking on this place, you quickly dashed into a closet and closed the closet doors, opening a small gap so you could steal a few glances outside.

The noise got louder and louder until-

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" you thought in fear as a dark grey figure dashed by while letting out a demonic screech; whatever it was was inhuman since it could run faster than a human ever possibly could. You felt your heart beating as fast as it has ever beaten in your entire life. You slowly stepped out.

Whatever... thing... passed by just now had shattered all the lights and even opened the next door for you. Your heart began beating lightning fast.

"I need to get out of here AS FAST AS POSSIBLE."

That was your only thought before you ran into the next room, quickly looking around the drawers to get anything. You didn't find anything *too* useful, but you found a lockpick. That was enough to get your legs bolting as you immediately rushed to the next room.

You went door after door. From "0007" till "0013". The lights flickered again. Your heart as fast as it ever could again as you immediately ran into a closet to hide. What you were feeling right now wasn't butterflies in your stomach. It was like many Peregrine Falcons trapped in your ribcage trying to get out. The same entity passed by as you stepped out.

"Got it... whenever the lights flicker, that thing comes. I get it now."

You continued progressing, looking through drawers, one after another. You opened a door, only to be greeted with a bookshelf crashing as papers fluttered in mid-air, causing you to jump and fall on your back.

"Wow, great. So polite huh," you scoffed as you slowly got up, opening the steel wire-mesh double doors near you. You opened up the drawers, and found a bandage.

"Great! This should be great use for later!" You cheered, stuffing it into your pockets where you kept the bottle of vitamins whilst you kept your lockpick in the other one.

You crouched underneath the shattered glass to reach the next door, carefully. You weren't particularly in the mood to get pricked sharp glass shards and bleed the life out of you.

You walked through a fair multitude of rooms, running into the same grey entity a small amount of times on the way. You had already grown accustomed to the presence of it.

You looked through drawers until-

"YIKES!!" You screamed, a spider jumping onto your face and biting you with a chomp before hopping off and crawling away at a rapid speed. "Ouch, that's rude..." You rubbed your nose profusely, which was where the tiny spider had left its' mark on. "On second thought maybe it was my fault, since that drawer was most likely its' home?"

It hurt a slight bit, but you weren't bleeding which was already good enough for you. Immediately coming back to your senses, you fumbled around through the drawers in search of supplies. Nothing was found except for pencils, as expected.

Room 0025 was next.

You opened the door only to see the light flicker rapidly. You got the cue and immediately went to hide in a closet, expecting to hear that familiar shriek... but you heard nothing. The lights simply flickered longer than usual before the room returned to its' boring silence.

"Maybe it's a trap...?" you mumbled to yourself. "But then again it wouldn't hurt to investigate right?"

Stepping out of the closet, you looked around. Nothing. It was merely just the good old room it was; no shattered chandelier light bulbs, no nothing.

But, there was one difference though.

You turned your head to look at Room 0026, but it appeared that despite how quiet and peaceful this room was now, the next one had other plans.

It was glowing a faint bluish green.

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