Prologue: Quarto de Hotel

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"Well, this one's going to be a great whopper!" You thought aloud to yourself with confidence, covering your head with your moderately sized umbrella against the frightening damp weather. The lone hotel building loomed high and dominant over you, casting an ever so large shadow.

Your pride and curiosity was what brought you to this old 1960s-styled hotel asylum.
Said to be haunted, and those who go in never come back.
Sounded like a bunch of BS, but you were interested nevertheless.

Bravely, you took multiple steps forward towards the door. Just then, you felt yourself shiver as your hair stood on end.

"What..." you scoffed, your confidence faltering by a mere bit. "Why am I so frightened all of a sudden? This is just a hotel asylum, a hotel asylum hoarded with mythical legends-"

You sighed, swinging the two front doors open and stepping further away from the wooden bridge from behind you, entering the building. You jumped when the doors behind you closed by themselves with a loud slam.

"Jesus! Seriously..." you shouted to no one but yourself.

You walked around, admiring the fact there's a fire that's still ablaze in the fireplace. The chandelier hung over you, shining full of pride. You were surprised to see that this place didn't even look abandoned at all. It was stunning, in a well condition.

The floorboards were masked, covered with a dark brownish-red carpet which was tidy. Various tables were around, with table lamps sitting on top of them. Two armchairs were placed in an asymmetrical manner near the fireplace. The wallpaper along the walls were nearly the same shade as the carpet, having a diamond pattern on them which were of a lighter color.

You couldn't believe what you were seeing. This hotel's appearance and state looked nowhere to be near abandoned, so much so that you thought this place was actually still in service; if only various parts of the hotel wasn't covered in thick spiderwebs and boarded up.

You walked over to one of the elevators and hesitantly clicked on the button. Almost immediately, the steel doors slid open. You went inside, but you began to panic when the doors closed shut.

If this hotel was really abandoned, wouldn't it mean there was a possibility for the elevator to malfunction and crash; with no one knowing that you came here.

You bit your bottom lip as the elevator slowly began to descend, the loud whirring sound drowning out your thoughts. You anticipated the worst, looking down on your feet as a small tune began to play.

(elevator jam is a banger ngl)

It soothed and calmed you down a bit as you looked at the closed elevator doors, each passing second feeling like an hour. You pulled out your phone to turn it on, but...

"Why isn't my phone working?" you said to yourself, desperately clicking on the power button repeatedly as you got more worried and worried by the second. Why wasn't it starting up? You had charged it till it was full before you came out! Just then, the elevator doors opened. With no choice, you reluctantly stepped out as the doors closed behind you.

You were met with the sight of old wooden furniture; the reception desk was completely made out of wood, being covered with translucent cobwebs which dangled. There was a bell on the desk, but it broke with just a few dings and clicks. A healthy potted plant sat next to it; beside the plant was a luggage carrier which had multiple replicas of a pale brown suitcase sitting on them. A painting, still in a good condition, was nailed onto the wall. There was a key hung up not so far from the desk.

Suitcases? Healthy plants? A perfectly fine painting, and even a leftover key?
Was this a sick joke? Was this hotel still in service after all?

There was a door labelled "0001" not so far from you. It was locked with an iron padlock which was slightly rusty. Your curiosity eventually bested you as you slowly and carefully approached the front desk. The luggage carrier, for whatever reason wouldn't budge by an inch as you tried to push it aside to get the key.

You crouched and crawled through it, snatched the key with a rustle and went back to the door. This was it; the embarkment of a new adventure... or maybe something more?

You brushed off your thoughts and paranoia, unlocking the rusty padlock with the key with a click and ease. Proud of your handiwork, you walked past the door as it closed shut all by itself behind you.

However... the moment you stepped forward, you had an eerie feeling of being watched. You shivered as your hair stood on end the 2nd time today. In fear, you looked up at the antique analog clock on the wall. As you took a few steps forward towards the next door, it abruptly stopped and ceased all forms of movement on its' hands.

Is this hotel really haunted?

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