The Darkness Appears!

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Yuuki: "Don't involve yourself with Naruse Mio any further."

Y/N: "....I get it. You're from the Hero Clan and you're assigned to watch over her. Great...Fenix and now the Hero Clan. My normal life isn't gonna be normal anymore."

Yuuki: "So you know?"

Y/N: "More or less."

Yuuki: "Then why? You'll get caught up in this. I don't want the Hero Clan to know your still alive." A concerned Vice is floating next to Y/N.

Vice: "If they come after us. We're so dead!" Lost in thought Y/N places his drink on the table.

Y/N: "Why..."

Maria and Mio are sitting a few tables away listening to Y/N and Yuuki's conversation.

Maria: "To think that one of your classmates would be a member of the Hero Clan. I thought the only problem we would have is Daiji and Fenix."

Mio: "I've...been a fool."

Maria: "You couldn't help it. If it were that easy to notice them, they wouldn't have been chosen to keep watch on you."

Mio: "That's not what I mean. I should have known the moment I learned she was one of Y/N's childhood friends. Yet I declared that we were living together in front of the whole class...Now the two of them are off on some lover's rendezvous or something..."

Maria: "Well, there's nothing to worry about if they don't come after us. We don't have enough energy to spare on making enemies out of the Hero Clan, too." Maria takes a sip out of her drink.

Mio: "But that's not what I'm worried about. I..." The mark appears around Mio's neck starts to glow making her feel hot.

Maria: "Mio-sama?"

Mio: "No! I'm not peeking! I'm only concerned about Y/N's safety!"

Maria: "What's wrong?"

Mio: "Nothing. For something this minor to activate the curse..." Y/N finishes thinking about the question.

Y/N: "I have my reasons why I'm associated with Mio. I don't have to tell you even if your really my childhood friend. To me your a stranger telling me to not associate with my family. I will tell you this, I will protect them no matter who is my enemy."

Vice: "We'll beat them up until they can't move anymore!"

Y/N: "Seems like I can't live a normal life but I've made up my mind."

Yuuki: "Y/N..." They hear a glass hit the floor.

Vice: "Hm? Did someone dine and dash?"

Maria: "P-Pardon me!"

Waitress: "M-Ma'am!? Your Change!" Maria is running after Mio who abruptly left the diner.

Maria: "Mio-sama! Mio-sama! Please wait!" Maria stops for Maria to catch up. Maria starts to breath heavily.

Mio: "What do I do, Maria? He's going that far for me...How am I supposed to face Y/N from now on?"

Maria: "Isn't this a good thing? Now we know that Y/N is a genuinely good person."

Mio: "But..."

Maria: "It just means it's all right for you to open your heart and have faith in him."

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