Chapter 5

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When Ash and Greninja returned to the Pokémon center they told everyone the good news of Greninja sticking around from now on. They were excited to have a new permanent teammate, now you may be wondering what about Sirfetch'd? Well it's leak broke yet again, and although it still wants to battle it has excepted that it will never be the same. Which is why Ash left it at home much to it's dismay, but that wasn't the point the point was that they had a new teammate and that's what they cared about.

Time skip to the Raihan battle

Ash was worried, he was currently against Flygon and it's constant sandstorm. Goodra the only Pokémon Ash had that could change the weather went down to that same Flygon earlier, Ash didn't want to use mega evolution, Z-moves, or dynamax/gigantamax yet but it was seeming like he'd HAVE to. Ash decided he returned Lucario quickly saying you'll get to mega evolve next time promise after the quick apology he called out his secret weapon Greninja the one Pokémon no one knew was more special than a normal one. Ash looked at Greninja saying let's do this Greninja nodded and they closed their eyes, everyone confused stared suddenly a vortex of water surrounded Greninja but this didn't stay long as in a few seconds it was gone revealing a Greninja with a water shrunken on its back big and sharp, as well as two tuffs of black with red in a zig zag on its face not there before. Everyone in the stadium went from confused to surprised and confused, as to how and why this Greninja looked different, Raihan though had other problems to deal with such as the rapidly approaching water shrunken. Which he did not hear be called out (because it wasn't) he quickly told Flygon to dodge the move it did and the move missed by the tiniest bit. Raihan told Flygon to use dragon breath, to this Ash told Greninja to use double team and then remove the sandstorm with a lot of water shrunkens. Surprisingly this worked as the water shrunkens exploded in the air causing water to rain down on them, but before they could do anything the battle was called to a pause Pause the battling we need to figure out whether what ever just happened is or isn't classified as mega evolution. Everyone looked understanding until they said this battle will be postponed until further notice as this ability will require more research before coming to a conclusion

Ash was absolutely flabbergasted WHAT?! and Raihan seemed just as confused, un the less they listened and left the field. Were they upset, definitely did they fight about it, not at all.

460 words
HAH. I'm mean aren't I?

Ash-greninja returns! Will it be for good?Where stories live. Discover now