Once outside Tubbo Tommy and Funnel were already waiting.
''So? Can we go now?'' Tommy asked, a grin on his face despite his harsh tone.
Y/n nodded with a smile.

''Just follow us, and don't stray too far okay?'' Y/n asked and they all grinned. Funnel's tail wagging behind her.

Foolish noticed a hint of a smile on their face, yet he could still see the tiredness on their face. He wanted to make them smile. Make them smile properly. Even if it lasts two seconds.

Funnel was first, the leader of the group, one of the only people who knew exactly where they were going. Foolish remembered the way aswell. He could remember every tree they had tried to climb as if it had been yesterday.
Though, as he thought about it, it had been almost two years.
To him, it had been a long two years.

Funnel jumped at the sight of a tree. A birch tree. Covered entirely of poorly carved 'x's. A crow with a single grey feather flew down landing on Funnels shoulder. The rest, swarmed Y/n covering them head to toe in jewels.

Y/n stepped back, surprised.
''Guys..'' They muttered to the crows. They all cared loudly at once and they nodded.

Tommy and Tubbo looked confused. Though, so did Y/n.
They lifted up a jeweled necklace two crows had placed around their neck.

''Where'd you get this?'' Y/n asked the crows, and Foolish followed them as the sat down beneath a fermiliar tree and Foolish sat beside them. The crow cawed again, except it kept going. As if telling a story.
Foolish is positive that's exactly what it's doing.

The crows didn't just give Y/n that necklace, their was rings being placed around them while the crow told their story. Bracelets, ear rings the whole lot. Each looking so different it was like they were from completely different places.

Instead of listening to the crow, he watched as Tubbo and Tommy tried to climb a tree which Funnel had already scaled.
She was sitting up at the top, well, near enough to the top.

''Foolish?'' Y/n called and Foolish looked over. ''Do you want me to translate?'' They asked.

They had done this countless times before. The crows would tell a story, Foolish was always a curious person so he wanted to know exactly what they were saying. Y/n would translate and the crows would always interrupt putting in their own opinion as Y/n said.

''Please, even after many lessons I still can't speak crow.'' Y/n grinned, this time it was real. The past forgotten.

''Well, what she said was they got this necklace from a dessert temple.'' Foolish loved Deserts. He always loved reading about the mysterious Chambers they'd have all filled with treasure. Puffy had never gone to one because theirs no sea in the dessert.

''Really..'' Foolish asked now amazed. Looking closely the necklace had a strong green emerald.
Y/n nodded.

''Yeah, She said if anyone tried to get to the chamber they'd drop down at least 20 blocks!''

''20 blocks underground? Or was it from the top of the temple?'' Foolish asked.
Y/n looked towards the crow and they cared again.

''Underground. She said it was all Dusty and old with bones and stuff. Sounds kinda creepy.'' Y/n shivered, their smile yet to disappear.

''Wow.. how'd they dig something so deep?''
The crow cared once again.

''Using really old tools. And.. slaves?'' Y/n shook their head, frowning, making Foolish do the same. ''I don't like the idea of slavery. But I do like the idea of living in a dessert.''

''Really?'' Foolish asked and they nodded.

''Yeah, just imagine it. Like an oasis, surrounded by palm trees and a few lakes or water reserves. A few small houses around them and a huge desert temple we could explore with multiple secrets inside.'' And their smile was back.

''I'd build you an oasis.'' Foolish didn't think before he spoke. It just slipped out and Y/n looked over, tilting their head.

No turning back now.

''Yeah, and we would live together. Adventure would be our last name, we'd have shelves filled with nothing but treasure from our adventures! I would travel the world with you.'' And Foolish thought he'd said too much. But he seen that smile falter as he stopped suddenly and he didn't want to it to stop there.

''And we could do much more than just travel the dessert.'' He said taking their hand. ''We could go to the coldest place filled with snow where its as if Christmas is everyday! Then, we could go to different countries meet new people and-''

What happened next could only be something out of one of the purest dreams Foolish has ever had. It felt so right, but it was gone within two seconds. But with that grin on Y/n's face, somehow he knew it wouldn't be the last time they'd kiss.

Y/n had Foolish's hand in their own, and their smile was just as sweet as the  chocolate cookies Ms McCoy would make. Just Y/n's smile being a little better.

''I'd love to travel with you. Sometimes it can be so.. suffocating here.'' They sighed leaning into Foolish's side.
Foolish felt butterflies in his stomach.

''When do you wanna go?'' Foolish asked next, and it left him feeling nervious as you sighed, brows furrowed.

''I.. don't know..''

''Well,'' Foolish started trying to put that smile back on their face before it disappears once again.
''We have all the time in the world to decide when. And even longer to prepare.''

''So we wait for the perfect timing?'' Y/n asked and Foolish nodded.

''Whenever your ready, I'll be ready too.'' Foolish said, and that sweet smile was back on your face once again.

On his hand, that wasn't entwined with Y/n's he looked over, to see a crow, pushing a diamond ring into his hand. And for the first time ever, the crow spoke to him directly, and he understood.

'Keep it safe, until your both ready.'
And the crow flew away, joining the rest in the mass of crows which were watching from above.

Foolish looked back to Y/n, who looked confused.
''Are you okay?'' Foolish asked and Y/n shook their head waving it off.

''I couldn't understand them. That's all. Probably just saying 'caw' to mess with me anyway.''


    I do hope you enjoyed this.
I'm going through multiple exams and I know it's not a good excuse but I should let you know updates will be slow from now on,
Again I'm so sorry this is slow but I hope this made you a little happier ❤

Bye~bye Lovlies~♡

part of the family..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن