Chapter 2

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First persons POV:

From the back seat I can see Bella looking out, taking in our gloomy new surroundings, next to Bella driving is our uniformed father, police chief Charlie Swan he is in his 40's. Taciturn, introverted like Bella. The strained silence contrasts our relationship with our mother. Charlie starts the conversation," Your hair's longer." Bella speaks for us "we cut it since last time we saw you." " Guess it grew out again." we just nod.


"How's your mom?" Charlie starts again, "Good." I answered.

More silence.

Yikes. this is awkward.

looking out the window i see we are passing a sign: The City Of Forks Welcomes You - Pop. 3246. Bella sighs.

As the we drive through the town, I take in this logging town - every storefront has a wood carving. 

The Timber Museum's sign is two loggers sawing a stump. The police station is a small wooden building across from City Hall

The cruiser pulls up to the old two-story house its has a woodshed full of firewood. There's a small boat in the garage, fishing gear, an old buoy. we climb out.


 Bella, Charlie and I carry in our bags in the house. The house isn't stylish the only new thing here is a Flat Screen T.V, but it's comfortable, lived-in. Lots of fishing memorabilia; photos of Charlie fishing with Quileute Indian Billy Black his best friend. Handmade cards to - Daddy - and photos of Bella and I. we winces slightly at ourself at age 7, in a tutu, sitting stubbornly on the ground wanting to go home.

"I put Grandpa's old desk in your room bells" Charlie starts "And I cleared some shelves in the bathroom." Bella and I grimace " That's right." she starts  "One bathroom." I finish.

 our eye lands on a photo of a much younger Dad and Mom, on vacation, beaming with love.

"I'll just put these up in your rooms" Charlie starts, "we can do it" we both answer , we all reach for the bags, bumping one another awkwardly. we back off, letting Charlie carry the bags upstairs.

we first arrive at Bella's room an antique rolltop desk sits in a corner. The room is filled with childhood remnants that have seen better days, Dad puts Bella's bags down and asks if her room is okay, which she answers yes, we then carry my bags to my room which is right next to Bella's, he askes me the same question he askes Bella to which I had the same answer, he then leaves as Bella and I sit on my bed.

The best thing about Charlie is he doesn't hover.

 We look at each other then sigh, then we hear a honk outside. we run outside my room and across the hall to look out the window to see a faded red truck, CIRCA 1960 and a dark-ish blue SST 4-door sedan pull up

we exit the house to find Charlie greeting the drives, Jacob and Jackson Black, twins, like me and Bella, except they are identical there sixteen, a year younger than Me and Bella, there Quileute Indian they also are amiable with long black hair, and hints of childish roundness in there face. The twins and Charlie help, Billy black, into a wheelchair Jackson brought around to them. "Girls, you remember Billy Black." Charlie stated "Glad you're finally here." Billy started "Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming." embarrassed Charlie said "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill." "Right after I ram you in the ankles." Billie states, Billy takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges. The Black twins, Bella and I shake our heads at our fathers as they shyly approache us "I'm Jacob, this is Jackson" Jacob stated "We made mud pies together when we were little kids." Bella and I share a glance of confusion but state "Yeah.. I think I remember" We state, looking at our dads I ask "Are they always like this?" "It's getting worse with old age." Jackson stays with a goofy smile on his face looking at me

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