ISSUE 3: Birds of a Feather!

Start from the beginning

Silvio was once apart of the criminal organization known as the Maggia in his younger years, and he was able to rise up in the ranks by inciting gang wars which led to the creation of the Manfredi Family. After serving time, he realized that the Manfredi family power greatly diminished over the years, and this upstart known as the Kingpin took over majority of his power. As luck would have it, someone was able to take out the fat tub of lard on his boat. Whoever this mysterious person was that did the job, he would gladly shake his hand, but unfortunately it caused another power struggle in which the Big Man now has taken over the underworld.

The two old men heard a knock on the door of the office as they were discussing whether or not to ransack a museum or a bank this time around.

"Why not send the Scavengers to the Guggenheim Museum as a distraction while the rest of us will be in Midtown Bank after hours?" Adrian suggested from his seat and the knocking continued.

"Nah. I heard they beefed up security after what that yutz, Shocker, pulled last weekend. I can't-" Silvio was cut off after they still heard another knock on the door.

"Concentrate due to that excessive noise," Adrian finished for his old friend as he too was starting to get aggravated.

"Oh for Pete's sake. It's open!" Silvio shouted as it was his own son, Joseph Manfredi, who came in with some urgent news to tell his old man. "This better be important, Joseph."

"I just got off the phone with Caesar. He says that the Punisher has been spotted in Yancy Street and he took out most of the members on their own turf," Joseph informed but Silvio blankly looked at his son.

"Is that it? Serves them right. Yancy Street and those Thompson Avenue bums have been nothing but trouble since I got out of the slammer. They think they could swim with the sharks and expect no consequences for their fool hardiness," Silvio rolled his eyes due to the fact that the aging criminal still viewed the street gang as small time crooks.

"The Big Man must be desperate for numbers if he's willing to add those street rats into his ranks," Silvio continued while getting up from his desk and walks over to his son.

"Your father and I were having a private conversation before you rudely interrupted. Why don't you run along and leave the important matters to the grownups," Adrian smugly remarked.

"Did I ask for your opinion, you old buzzard?" Joseph insulted which made Toomes and his father very angry.

"Better watch your tone, Sonny," Silvio admonished his son as he was grabbing him by the shirt collar. "Your Uncle Adrian is the reason why you and your spoiled friends have been living the high life. If I hear one more disrespectful word coming outta your mouth, then I will gladly take away your gang's gear and give it to more suitable replacements."

Joseph was red in the face as his father was lecturing him much to Adrian's satisfaction.

"You better apologize," Silvio ordered.

Before Joseph could say anything, an older red-headed short man with sideburns wearing a green suit and coat came barging into the room looking fearful and breathing erratically.

"Whoa! Leland. Where's the fire?" Silvio wondered what has gotten into Leland Owlsley, who is one of the members of his inner circle and financial adviser.

"My apologies, Boss Silvermane. B-But it seems"

"Oh spit it out, Owlsley!" Joseph rolled his eyes.

"You have a visitor," Leland sighed.

The visitor in particular was a huge silver humanoid-shaped robot. It had a two way monitor which displayed the face of whoever was in control on the machine's "face". It was currently on the balcony of the penthouse, and Manfredi's personal bodyguard, Dominic Tyrone, and some of his goons pointed their guns at the automaton to see if it was going do something. The robot, known as the Spider-Slayer Mark II, opened the door and ducked its head under to enter the home of the notorious mobster without creating any damage whatsoever.

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