"Where are they?" he asks instead.

James doesn't seem to need clarification to know he's talking about the other Marauders, gesturing over his shoulder. "Just there, I can't stay long, but, I saw you and I just..." There's that smile again, and Regulus wonders if it's too late to cut off his arm. Not that it would make a difference.


"What the hell Reg? I told you to hold my popcorn not feed it to the bloody birds."

Regulus very briefly closes his eyes.


James has already gone stiff, Evan coming to an abrupt stop as he realizes who Regulus is talking to. There's a moment of surprise before an unsettling smile stretches across his face.

"Well look who it is. You just can't leave my mate here alone can you?"

"Drop it Evan," Regulus tries to nudge him away but he isn't having it, staring at James like someone's just told him it's Christmas morning—which can't be good.

"Are you referring to the time I kicked your ass?" James asks, cocky smile spreading across his face and doing unhelpful things to Regulus's chest. "Because that's one of my fondest memories."

Evan's eyes go sharp. "How's your dad Potter?"

The change is so quick it's almost frightening. The mocking humour drains from James's face, replaced by an anger that burns and Regulus can't help feeling like he's missed something.

"Cause the last time I saw him," Evan goes on, having absolutely no self-preservation instinct to speak of, "he was in a right state. Could barely walk."

And then several things click into place. Like the fact that Evan-just-be-a-fucking-idiot-Rosier spent his summer attacking Ministry employees. And that Fleamont Potter is, in fact, a Ministry employee.

"I'm going to destroy you," James growls.

"Lets hope you throw a better punch than your dad yeah?"

Things move quickly then.

Both James and Evan step forward, Regulus moving between them, one arm wrapping around Evan's chest and hauling him backwards, bracing for the impact of James's fist which had already been pulled back. It doesn't come though. What does come is the sound of a new voice.

"Woah, woah mate, hold on," Sirius says behind him.

"You piece of shit," James shouts. "You spineless pathetic fucking wanker."

"Come and get me Potter! Come and get me and we'll see if you cry just like your daddy!" Evan shouts over Regulus's shoulder.

Regulus slams him against the pillar behind them, able to turn just enough to see Sirius in a similar position with James. Their eyes meet.

"Reg," he says by way of greeting, voice slightly laboured as he continues to struggle with his best mate.


"We really have to stop meeting like this."

Regulus lets out a breath of laughter before shoving Evan back again as he makes another attempt to break free.

"I'll have my people call your people," he says dryly.

"You know people?" Sirius huffs. "I'm shocked."

It almost feels natural, this back and forth. And for a minute Regulus can pretend—that they're on the same side. That they don't hate each other.

That is, until Evan's hand grabs hold of his left arm and everything goes white. Pain searing through him as he drops to his hands and knees.

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