26: Bad Parent(ing)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. I get that. You're doing better, right?" I asked. Tony nodded giving me a small smile.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

My shoulder slumped, "Tony."

I know how he is. He's saying this to not make me worry. I know him, he's done this before. He's going to lock himself in his damn room and next this I know he's sitting in the floor with—

The point is it's all going to go downhill from here if he doesn't step away from the problem. Which he probably isn't going to do.

"I'm fine. I promise." Tony reassured.

I nodded not wanting to get into this right now. Looking away from him my eyes landed on the doll. I closed my eye sighing deeply. I forgot all about that doll.

"Health class?"

I side eyed Tony and nodded. He snickered, "Good luck with that."

I walked over to the couch grabbing the doll by its leg. Crying erupted from the doll as it hit the corner of the coffee table. Honestly, I don't blame it for crying that time.

"Hey, dad just texted me. He wants us to go to their place." Tony announced.


"I'll be waiting outside."

Tony walked out the house leaving me alone with the crying baby. I grabbed the plastic bottle they gave us and stuck it in its mouth. Nothing. I rocked the baby in my arms. Nothing again. I took off and on the diaper and it still cried. At this point I was fed up with it and violently shook the doll. To my surprise it stopped crying. I shrugged placing it in my book bag. I put on my shoes and earphones as Tony and I walked to Douglas's place.


Not a minute into Douglas's home and we enter the room to a bunch of metal scraps all over the place. I stepped over the scattered pieces and waved at Marcus. He calmly sat on the couch watching the TV. Right after we entered, Dad and Douglas came upstairs from the lab.

Tony walked up to dad and whispered something in his ear. Dad gave him a look before nodding. Tony quickly made his way to the door. I stopped him curious as to why he's in a rush to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Mom's place." Tony rushed out.


"Michael needs help dealing with mom and Victor."

He don't let me have another word in as he moved around me. He patted my shoulder walking out the door. I looked back at the door then at dad. He's intensely staring at some blueprints. Douglas must've gone back to the lab.

I marched up to him and covered some parts of the blueprints with my hands. Dad closed his eyes and sighed.

"Why would you let your son go back there?" I questioned him.

It's not like dad didn't know what happened. I informed him last night about Tony's breakdown. Yet here he is not giving a flying fuck about his eldest son, and letting him go back to the same place that made him uncontrollably cry.

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