Chapter 14

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Bailey walks into Meredith's ICU room later that day and sees her former intern sound asleep in her bed. She hates that she needs to wake her up but she needs to check her vitals and examine her.

"Mer, wake up for me." Bailey said softly, putting her hand on Meredith's shoulder and gently rubbing it.

Meredith groaned, not wanting to wake up. "Don't feel well." She whispered weakly. She let out a bunch of coughs, her eyes closed this whole time

"I know sweetie. I need to check your vitals and examine you and then you can go back to sleep. We need to get you over this infection. You can't have any more chemo treatments until this infection is all gone from your system." Bailey says.

"Don't want to get worse." Meredith muttered.

"I don't want that either Mer. None of us do. But it's too dangerous for you to have any chemo treatments when your body has an infection." Bailey ran the thermometer over Meredith's forehead. When it beeped she pulled it off and frowned looking at the number. "Grey, this is still too high of a fever."

"Oh." Meredith whispered. "Really hot in here."

"That's from the fever. We need to get that fever down. The antibiotics you've been on for the past couple hours haven't lowered this fever of yours any." Bailey says, frowning. She presses the call button and a nurse walks in a moment later.

"You need something Dr Bailey?" A nurse asks.

"Yes. Dr Grey's fever is still very high. Can you grab a bunch of cooling blankets and ice packs please? We need to get this fever down asap."

"Yes Dr Bailey." The nurse leaves and comes back with the requested supplies. The nurse and Dr Bailey put the ice packs and cooling blankets on Meredith's body.

Meredith instantly starts shivering. "C-c-cold." She says with her teeth chattering.

"I'm sorry Meredith. I know it's cold." Dr Bailey says and continues checking the rest of Meredith's vitals. She doesn't like the vitals that she sees.

"M-Maddie. W-wanna s-s-see M-Maddie." She says, shivering.

"Grey, you're in the ICU. Children aren't allowed on this floor. I'm sorry." Dr Bailey says sadly.

"P-please. I n-need t-to see h-her." Meredith says, tearing up. She lets out some deep coughs. "My head hurts." She says starting to cry more.

"I know you want to see her. I'm sorry Grey. But let's get you some pain meds to help take away this headache." Bailey says, worried about Meredith.

Meredith nods and then winces at the pain. "Make it stop! Please Bailey! It's getting worse!" She wails in pain.

Bailey works quickly to try to take away Meredith's pain. Fifteen minutes pass and nothing she does seems to help the pain. Meredith just keeps sobbing in pain.

"Mer, I'm going to sedate you. This pain is too much for you." Bailey runs out of teh room and is back a minute later. She injects the meds into Meredith's IV.

"Don't feel well. Want Maddie. Wanna go home." Meredith whispers as she falls asleep as the sedation meds take effect.


A few hours later Derek is sitting with Maddie in the cafeteria trying to get her to eat something.

"Daddy! I want Mama!" Maddie cries, pushing away her food.

"I know, baby. But Mama is sick right now and they don't let little kids on the floor she's on." Derek tells her softly.

"Me not wittle! Me big girl!" Maddie protests.

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