Squeegy Beckinheim and the Delinquents

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All around Chrysanthemum there were families interacting with one another. Fathers warning their children against causing trouble at school, children begrudgingly accepting their mother's tearful embrace while keeping an eye out for any school mates they might know. These traditions started when boarding schools were invented and would be like that until the end of time. This common occurrence was even happening right next to Chrysanthemum. Her mother and father were bidding her and her twin goodbye, hugging and kissing and fretting over Lily. Only Lily, it's always only ever Lily.

After receiving a strict warning from her parents not to cause trouble and a sharp look from her older sister, Chrysanthemum Evans embarked on the Hogwarts Express.

As they walked the long corridors of the train, in search of Lily's friends, Chrysanthemum kept her head down and followed Lily, barely listening to her as she gossiped and ranted.

Lily had just finished saying how Gertrude Bran's weight had been increasing since her breakup, when thundering footsteps echoed behind the girls. Chrysanthemum barely had time to get a glimpse of four boys when she was knocked flat on her face.

Chrysanthemum groaned as she lifted her face off the ground, rubbing her newly sore forehead. She looked up at the four culprits that had stopped running and we're staring guilty at the twins. None of them made a move to help them until a boy with unruly black hair seemed to recognize Lily.

"Ahh... the beautiful Evans, we meet yet again! It must be fate," the boy said flirtatiously, reaching a hand down to Lily.

"Or the fact that you don't look where you're going," she spat, rejecting his offer.

Chrysanthemum watched her sister and the stranger interact from her spot on the floor. Not noticing when a boy with longer black hair reached his hand out to her.

"You need some help there, doll?" He asked charmingly, obviously expecting Chrysanthemum to giggle and blush as she was sure so many others had done.

"No thank you, Princess." She replied mockingly, picking herself up off the floor and dusting off her clothes. "You need glasses or did you just think you'd pass right through us?"

A boy with sandy hair and scars etched on his face stepped in before the other boy could get a word out. "We're sorry. We thought everyone would already be in the train compartments and we didn't realize you were there until it was too late," he said.

​​​​​"It's alright, Lupin," Lily reassured him, seeming intent on ignoring the boy that was staring at her with what seemed like adoration.

Or maybe obsession, Chrysanthemum thought.

"Who's she?" James asked, eyeing Chrysanthemum up and down.

"Squeegy Beckinheim, pleasure to meet ya" Chrysanthemum smirked.

"Can't you be serious for once in your life!" Lily scowled.

"I don't know, never tried."

Lily rolled her eyes at her sister's antics and turned back to the boys, "She's my sister."

"Petunia?" Remus asked, glancing at Chrysanthemum with badly hid curiosity.

"No, this is my other sister, Chrysanthemum."

"You've never mentioned having another sister," Sirius pondered.

"Yes, I have," she insisted, throwing a pointed look at Sirius.

"Don't think so," Sirius insisted.

"It's okay Lily, I deny being related to you on a daily basis," Chrysanthemum joked, trying to hide her offense.

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