Chapter 13: 'Brother In Christ'

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I wake up this morning seeing Charmaine sleeping next to me.

What happened after the park? I ask myself

Because the last thing I remember is that I saw Arnold and Charmaine together going to get ice-cream and after that dad and mom said we had to go home and I entered the car still thinking about the whole Jayden problem and-- wait that's it, I slept in the car. But then who picked me up?

I stand up from bed and head to the bathroom, and get ready on my own for church. I don't want to wake up Charmaine, so I started preparing first.

I go to my closet and pick an outfit.

I decide to wear a blush pink silk long-sleeved dress that reached my ankle.

I wear it with pink sandals. I love sandals most of the time because it's, comfortable.

I sit on the bed, my back facing Charmaine, who was still asleep.

I started thinking of the scene where I saw Jayden at the park, and tears were threatening to fall, and funny thing is I don't know why I feel like crying. I think it's because I saw him in pain.

Just then, I hear someone talk.

"What are you thinking about?" And I recognised the voice, and it was Charmaine. I look back because she scared me a little bit.

"Oh my sweet potatoes, you scared me a tad bit, Charlie." I chuckle

She then sits up straight on the bed.

"Sorry. Micky, what were you thinking about?" She asks again

"Um...nothing to worry about." I say

"You can't say that. Everything that worries you concerns me   So I know that something's wrong"

Just the thought of what happened makes an uncontrollable tear go down my cheek, and I immediately wipe it.

I actually think that I'm crying because I really care about Jayden a lot. And I love him in the love of Christ.

"What's the problem? you know you can tell me anything." she reassures me while holding my hand.

"Jayden." was all I could say because I didn't know how to say the event that happened yesterday.

"What did he do? I swear if he did something to you, I will go to his house right now and teach him a lesson."

I chuckled at my best friends protectiveness.

"I'm dead serious." she said with a serious look.

"Chill, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big you even hear what you're saying? You are sitting here thinking of him, and a tear was threatening to fall at any , now you're saying it's not a big deal." She mimickes me at the last part.

She has a point, though. It's just I don't want her to stress about me. I know Charmaine well enough like the back of my hand. She loves me and when something's not right with me she'll not be okay until I'm better but it's also so difficult to hide things from her because she'll always find a way to make you spill the beans by either forcing you or being distant so that you can open up to her. That's how concerned she is about me.

"Okay, so yesterday..." I started and went on talking about how I saw him, and I made sure to go in deep details so that she may know enough.

"Wow! I missed a lot!" She said while shaking her head in surprise.

"Yeah, because you were with Arnold." I said to change the subject with a you're-caught-redhanded look.

She blushes and looks away

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