Beach Club

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Today was strange day for Robby as he was going to the beach club with the Larusso's, Robby had been here before but that was when he was pulling scams and he never imagined he would be here as guest. Daniel had brought them here today so he could convince parent who get their kids to join Miyagi do. Robby was mostly excited about the chance to spend some time with Sam outside of the dojo.

Tory had joined Cobra Kai a few days ago and she had quickly become friends with the only other girl at the dojo Aisha and today after training Aisha asked tory is she wanted to come to the beach club with her and her parents today, Tory obviously accepted she had never had the chance to go anywhere that fancy since her family had always struggled for money especially since her mom was diagnosed with cancer.

Robby and Sam spent most of their time sunbathing and talking about what thinks would be like when Robby stared going to west valley high after the summer but when Sam saw her friend Aisha she decided to go and talk to her. Robby continued to sunbathe but when he noticed a worker he remembered from the last time he pulled a scam here he quickly decided to move somewhere else.

When Tory and Aisha arrived at the beach club Aisha showed tory where everything was but when Aisha went to get them a drink tory decided to steal a bottle of vodka from the inside bar, after quickly grabbing the bottle tory put it in her bag and rushed outside to meet Aisha but when she got outside she was immediately barraged into by a boy. Tory was furious and began to yell at him but when she saw his face she immediately stopped because of how attractive he was, the boy quickly apologised and told her he wasn't looking where he was going, Tory was surprised that a rich kid was actually apologising to and not acting spoiled, before Tory could ask him something the boy quickly walked away after a member of staff noticed him. Tory was intrigued so she decided to follow him and see why he ran away.

When Tory caught up with the boy she sat down beside him and asked why he was sitting in the corner, the boy told her he wasn't going to tell her since he didn't know her so Tory decided to introduce herself and she told him her name was Tory with a y the boy looked at her and introduced himself as Robby with a y. Tory wasted no time in asking why he ran away when he saw the member of staff, Robby admitted that in the past he pretended to work here as a way to scam money out of people, Tory teased him for being a rich kid that wanted to be a rebel but Robby corrected her and admitted he wasn't a rich kid he was only here as a guest. Tory felt a little more comfortable talking to him now since she knew he was just like her so she asked if he wanted to share a bottle of Vodka, Robby usually didn't drink because his mom is an alcoholic but he decided to accept since he was interested in getting it know Tory better. Robby and Tory spent the next 30 minutes talking mostly about how stuck up most of the people at the club acted but they were interrupted when Amanda Larusso asked walked by and asked Robby if had seen her bag anywhere because she had lost it Robby instantly knew what had happened so he offered to help look. Before Robby left Tory wrote down her phone number and told him to call her.

Robby headed down to the beach where he knew Trey and Cruz would be, when Robby found them they he saw than with 3 different handbags including Mrs Larusso's, Robby asked them to give him the bag back and he wouldn't report them, Trey told Robby that they would give him the handbag as long as he agreed to help them with their next scam Robby obviously didn't want to get involved as he was starting to turn his life around but he reluctantly agreed so he could get Amanda's bag back.

After Robby had left Tory reunited with Aisha but she wasn't alone she was talking to another girl, Aisha introduced Sam and Tory to each other but when Tory showed Aisha the bottle of Vodka Sam berated her for stealing and told her to take it back but Tory refused and said that the people here would never notice it because there too stuck up, after Tory said that Sam became suspicious that this girl might have stolen her mom's bag so Sam asked to look in Tory's bag but when she refused and attempted to walk away Sam grabbed her arm however tory was used to people grabbing and and she was able to push Sam away but when she did Sam fell onto the dessert table and got covered in food. Tory found it hilarious and she couldn't stop laughing as she walked away.

When Robby returned to the beach club he instantly returned Mrs Larusso's bag to her, Amanda was really grateful and when she asked where Robby found it he told her someone found it at the bar and handed it reception. When Robby and the Larusso's were leaving Robby noticed Sam had changed her clothes and her hair was soaking wet and when he asked her what happened she told him that some psycho girl pushed her into dessert table.

Later that night when he was back at the Larusso's house robby decided to message Tory and during their exchange Robby found out Tory attend west valley high and they would be going to school together in a couple of weeks, Both of them were excited that they would get to see each other again soon. Robby found it funny thinking about Tory made him forget about the feelings he has for Sam.

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