Chanmin - Apology (English)

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Chan's POV

Like usually I fell asleep late and woke up early so that I can get a lot of work done before the sun sets again or we have any schedule. Lately I've so much do to because we are preparing for our comeback and I got a lot of responsibility for it going smoothly. I hope I didn't forget anything important. There would be no reason to explain that later on. So I am doing things really carefully and looking over everything twice before I hand it in. Because of that I got even less time at the dorm and often pull a all nighter or sleep in the studios. I'm often late for practice or arrive just on time which makes me really upset. I should be there early and prepare the music and everything else but instead I make the others wait because I'm to focussed on other work and forget the time.

Another sad thing is that I got less time with my lovely boyfriend. I feel very bad for Seungmin. He waited so often in the last weeks, nearly months. I came home really really late and forgot our dates or had to cancel them just a few minutes before we would have met. I feel really sorry about that I don't how to make it up to him. He said it's fine because it's for the band and our process in the k-pop industry. But I still feel bad and want to do something special for Minnie. I already thought about making a song or taking him somewhere on our off days. We have a free period of time for 4 days this week right before our comeback, so that we don't get to stressed and are more relaxed.

I am very grateful for that but I have no clue what to do. It shouldn't be to lame more like an adventure trip like being on a boat and getting to know some islands. Sadly that is quite expensive and I don't like to spend money at all but it's for my boyfriend and I want to make him happy. So probably I'll think about it a bit longer and then might spend the money. We wanted to do a trip with just the two of us so long already, but we never had the time. Hopefully it will work out this time and no one will ruin it last minute.

A quick glance to my watch shows me that I have to leave my studio now otherwise I'll be late for dance practice. So I stand up from my chair, turn everything down and put my laptop into my bag. While leaving the room I turn the light off and closed the door behind me. I walk to the studio and see some of the members in there already. Minho, Changbin and my boyfriend are waiting here. I wave my hand as soon as I enter and walk over to them.

"Hey Minnie.", I say and give him a quick peck on this head before he looks up to me. "Hello Hyung, how was your morning until now?", he asks and I tell him what I've been working on and he just nods along with it. "Sounds good.", is his answer before the others come into the room and push the energy to an extremely high level. Jisung and Hyunjin are laughing out loud while Felix and Jeongin are looking at something on one the of their phones before smirking and laughing as well and nearly falling onto the ground.

"I think we should start." Says the second oldest and walks to the laptop to start the music for our warm up. Everyone stand in front of the mirror stretching and doing some simple moves until the music change into the song we are preparing 3 weeks already. "Ok, let start with the intro and let's look how far we come. We should look at details today as well."

*time skip*

Our comeback is next week, exactly in seven days. Thanks to JYP we got the whole week off which makes my plans for Seungmin even better. I already spoke to JYP and organised everything. Tomorrow we will fly to Australia. It sounds really big but it's just a little vacation in my hometown. We will stay at a little cottage that belongs to friends from my parents. My mom said we could stay at their house but on one side I don't wanna bother them and on the other side I wanna have some alone time with my boyfriend. Of course we will visited them but have some private space is quit nice if you live in a dorm with 6 other men.

Now I just need to tell Seungmin that he has to pack a few clothings for the trip. I already packed my bag and I'm getting more and more excited for it finally to happen. Knowing that my boyfriend is currently cooking I make my way into the kitchen. "Hi Minnie." I greet him and hug him from behind. "Hey Hyung. What do you want?" He asks and turns his head to look into my eyes. "Can't I come look for my beautiful boyfriend and talk to him about the upcoming days?" "Of course you can." He chuckles and waits for me to continue. "And what have you been planning for the off days mister?" His voice sounds curious and his stare as well. "Mhh, should I tell you? I don't know." I joke around and receive a gentle hit on my right arm which is still wrapped around his waist. "Yes you will. Or I will command you to." Seungmin says with a smirk on his lips. "Oh oh. So that's how it is. I mean then I must tell you right?" I laugh. "Correct!"

"We'll go on a little trip together. We wanted to do that so long already but never got the opportunity. Now we can do it and JYP already approved it. Everything is planned and organised. You just need to pack your bag and then we can start our trip tomorrow." I answer with big smile on my face. "You're joking right?" He asks but I just shake my head. "For real?" I nod and one second later I have a little koala around my torso. "Oh my god Chan. I love you so much." Seungmin kisses my lips and hugs me again before he jumps off and he reaches into his hair. "I'll go pack and you look after the dinner for me right?" "Of course Minnie. Don't you want to know where we will go first so that the clothing will fit the weather?" I ask him laughing. "Oh yes sure. Where will we go Channie?" He asks in a really cute way.

"We'll fly to Australia Baby!"

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