"Oh Ambie." She cried holding me tightly. "That's it you're back now and you are not moving across the world ever again."

I laugh as I pull back and kiss her cheek gently.

"Uh excuse me does your favorite sister/cousin not get a hug?" Lizzie says jokingly.

"Ashly's here?' I joke before being shoved.

"Fuck you"

"Elizabeth chase." Mama says with the 'don't fuck with me' voice.

"Sorry mom."

"Let's go get you settled into your new apartment, your brothers were building all your furniture yesterday for you." Liz says, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as the both lead me out of the airport and towards the car.

I don't want to jinx it but so far it's good to be home.

I'm currently sat in the middle of my bedroom floor, staring at all the boxes I still need to unpack.

Okay, I may or may not have not even started unpacking and I've been here for almost a month.

Yes I know that I should of atleast started unpacking, trust me my mom and Lizzie give me a lecture every time they visit.

But every single fucking time I go to start the process of unpacking I get distracted and do something else completely.

"Amber, Where are you?" I hear Lizzie call as my front door opens.

Great, another distraction that comes with another lecture.

I groan and allow myself to fall on my back, making me now layed in the middle of my bedroom.

Why did I even think it was a good idea to give her the spare key in the first place.

"Why are there boxes everywhere I thought you were unpacking yesterday- you haven't even done anything in here." She sighs as she walks into my room. "Get off the floor."

"I don't want to." Whine as she starts to pull me up onto my feet.

"Well you have to, we are unpacking today because if you answered you damn phone you would know that filming has been pushed to starting tomorrow."

"What?" I quickly grab my phone off my bed and see the unneeded amount of messages from Lizzie and one from the marvel team. "Fuck"

"All my suitcase clothes are dirty and I can't remember what box my clothes are in."

"That's why we are going to unpack today." She replied with a roll of her eyes, opening the nearest box. "Books, I'll start with the bookcase. Now pick a box and start with whatever in there."

This is going to be a long boring day.

"Cheer up, if we get a lot done we can order some lunch in."

Okay it's got a little better.

Scarlet's pov-

"Mommy!" Rose screams as she runs into my bedroom where me and cosmo where watching a movie.

"Hey roro! Did you enjoy your day with granny?" I ask my clearly sugar high seven year old.

"Yeah! Granny said she had to go home before you told her off." She tells me, jumping off the bed and grabbing the dolls she brought in last night when she begged to sleep in my bed.

"Ofcouse she did." I sigh before helping cosmo off the bed so he could play wit his sister. "Are you excited to go back to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah! I get to see holly." She says with her smile that I can never get enough of.

Holly is her best friend at school, their teacher says that they refuse to leave each other's side while at school.

"Well it's almost bath and bed time, so why don't you go pick a story and a teddy and I will go put cosmo to bed and start the bath."

"Okay mommy.Night cosmo!" She gives her brother a kiss on the cheek before running off to her room.

"Time for bed baby boy." I sigh as I picked him up.

This past month has been amazing, I have loved being at home with my kids but I have to go back to work tomorrow.

But rose goes back to school and cosmo starts his first day at day care so it's not as bad as it used to be.

"Mommy!" Cosmo says as he lays against my chest as I walked to his room.

"Night night baby." I tell him, tucking him into his bed and gently kiss her forehead.

I turn on his night light before leaving and closing his door behind me.

Time to start a hyper 7 year olds bedtime routine.

Not proof read
1334 words

I want it all if you let me~ scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now