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"Ame get your Head out of the clouds, read Section 7 aloud to the class " Professer. Davis glared down at America, still in a daze.

"For being a senior in High-School teachers seriously cannot get off my ASS. I swear to GOD and dont get me started on my classmates sure, some of them are nice, some not so much, fuck you China, but i'm trailing off what was I suppoused to do... oh right! I have to finish my complex story where the narrator slowly loses himself in fantasy land while looking for his long lost lover! Yeah thats what I was Supposed to do." America rants and rants in his head

"America i'm sending you to detention i'm tired of your shit you seriously cannot read a single section of Crime and Punishment without drifting off somewhere ELSE" Professer. Davis loudly says, not a yell, more like an announcement,

"Uh what uh...okay" America barely comprehend a single word he was saying
"what the hell is wrong with me i'm not usually this bad...." America ponders, not use to his mind wandering this much, America has quite the daydreaming problem and he's had it all his life. It started with him just trying to piece back his childhood memories and he got lost in it all and eventually just kept thinking about it before he became accustomed to being in a constant day dream. How is he an perfect A student? God knows.

The bell rang "Thank god, I had to make it Out of that classroom after the mockery I made of myself in there I could hear my classmates running out and snickering to their friends about how I made a fool of myself in front of the teacher" America thinks

"Hi america!!! How was English class?"
Luka approachs me a shy, but cheerful Expression on his face with his companion Leon, an honestly depressed guy in my opinion, he always has an neutral or anxious expression on his face that makes me feel a sort of pity for him, even though I barely know anything about the boy. 

"Dog shit bro, I was day dreaming like crazy and the teacher totally Flipped out on me"

"Well.. Uhm to be honest ame I cant defend you the teacher was in the right to Lash out you did daydream in class dude.." Luka rubbed the back of his neck, feeling Sorry for his friend

"Whatever im just pissed off I acted like a complete idiot in front of all the biggest jackasses in the grade, fucking China was in that class his gonna totally mention it later in detention"
America said, while slamming his locker plastered with various stickers shut causing more eyes to shift his way, out of habit america pushes his sunglasses up feeling anxious with the various eyes preening into him.

" Oh yeah didnt China get sent to dentention for seriously hurting that kid..? I heard about it from Lola, Apparently North Korea also got sent to dentention for helping him plan out and orchestrate this brutal attack on this kid" Luka says, while avoiding eye contact.

"Jesus Christ what fucking lunatics, someone needs to put their ego down every year its a new kid getting harrased for even by them because they cant handle anyone beating them in anything" America sneers thinking about that poor kid and those bitches.

The Final bell rang signifying the end of the day and the group departed. America walked down the polished hallways of the private instituion he was enrolled in, Mr. Williams, his "Father" wanted america to reach his fullest potention so he sent him to a school for the Gifted, sounds amazing on paper right? People who are Gifted with super intelligence, or great physical ability or some great thing are always egoist assholes who have never Grown a pair of balls in there life and China is a prime example of this, sheltered by his family and praised Since birth, a total brewing pot to create the type of man Who would make your Life a living hell. For being among one of the few countries that walk this earth you think that we would all have each other's back right? No, they absolutely despise me for being a country and completely alienate me for no apparent reason, China and north Korea in technicality are 3 year's old. China and North Korea we're both produced in a governmental lab in order to create a perfect being to be a symbol, or a mascot in some ways,  of the nation's and to show off to the other countries. I've thought about their story numerous times to the point where I assume I was made in a lab as well. Was I created in a lab? Mr. Williams never talks about it he just says it doesn't matter, I have memories from my childhood, blurry, but they exist, which always leaves me pondering about how I can possible have memories if the only logical explanation is for me to he born in a lab.

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