Back in Pitmerden

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We get a Spiral In transition that transitions to everyone out and about trick or treating.

ALAN: Huh, looks like everyone is safe after all.

SUNSHINE THE ESPEON: So, daddy, are you ready to take me trick or treating?

ALAN: Sorry, I got... things to do at the house. Crystal, Solarflare, Leaf, Black, Sylvia and Pearl take you. Uh, bye.

He dashes towards the house.

SUNSHINE THE ESPEON: Espyyyy... she tears up and starts to cry.

PEARL: Shh, shh, shh, it's okay. I'm here for you.

Pearl picks up Sunshine and holds her

SUNSHINE THE ESPEON: Pearl, why doesn't daddy love me? He always ends up running away from me. Am I a bad daughter, does he like Aarianna better than me, should I not even exist anymore?

PEARL: Don't say that, he loves both of you just the same.

Alan dashes back to the group holding bags and Plastic Pumpkins in his mouth.

ALAN: Mouthful Here's your guys bags and Plastic Pumpkin.

Pearl, Crystal, Solarflare, Leaf, Black, and Sylvia grab there bags and Sunshine takes her Plastic Pumpkin.

PEARL: Thanks, Alan, you're a peach.

ALAN: Anytime, now I gotta go. Byeeeee!

He dashes back to the house.

PEARL: See, he still loves you. If he didn't, he wouldn't bring you your Plastic Pumpkin Bucket.

SUNSHINE THE ESPEON: Maybe you're right.

PEARL: Come on, let's go trick or treating.

They walk away.

Authors Note: Sorry for the name change for Lazuli and Alan's Kid. I forgot whether her name was Aarianna or Aadrianna, so Aarianna is their kids name now.

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