Chapter 5 - Well This Is Awkward

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Kaitlyn tumbles off of me at the sight of Brooke staring at us with her mouth agape.

"What in hells fucking name did I just walk into?!" Brooke questions, her eyeballs look like they're about to pop out of their sockets as she looks between me and Kaitlyn.

"Why the fuck are you even here Kingston?" I ask, narrowing my eyes in her direction. She just cock-blocked me. Suddenly I realise that Brooke isn't answering my question because her eyes are glued to my hard on.

Well this is awkward.

"Brooke my eyes are up here love" I tell her with a smirk on my face. Her eyes shoot up to mine, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Before she can say anything back to me Kaitlyn clears her throat.

"I think I should go," she announces, looking extremely uncomfortable. Brooke scoffs mumbling 'you think' under her breath. "Mr Knight, I'll get the results of your MRI tomorrow." she tells me before making her way to exit my hospital room. As she walks past Brooke shoots her a glare. Now that she is finally out of the room Brooke turns back to look at me.

"What the actual fuck was that Grey?" She looks like she wants to fucking castrate me, this bitch.

"Why do you even care, Brooke?" I ask. "If I didn't know any better I would think that you were jealous" I add with a smirk.

"Jealous? Of you fucking around with some poor girl? I think not" she scoffs. "It's about the principle of the whole thing asshat, doctors shouldn't be sleeping around with their patients" she rolls her eyes at me.

"She wasn't sleeping around with me, you interrupted before we could get that far." I tell her getting up from my bed moving closer to her so that I'm towering over her. "And if you roll your eyes at me again, you'll regret it love" Unlike most people she doesn't back down from me.

"Don't call me love then dickwad" she says, not taking her gaze away from mine. "And don't tell me what to do" and with that she turns around and walks out the door.

This bitch is going to regret that. I will make her life living hell if I have to.


It's been a couple days since Brooke walked out of my hospital room and I haven't seen her since. Now I have english lit so seeing her is going to be inevitable especially since she sits right fucking next to me.

She walks into the classroom and goes straight to the teachers desk. After talking to him for a couple of minutes she walks towards the desk looking disappointed. When she sits down she doesn't even spare me a glance.

Half the class has gone by but she hasn't said a single fucking word. Not to me, not to anyone. It's a bit weird but I honestly don't give a fuck. Just as my mouth opens to say something to her, a stack of papers hits my desk. "For this assignment you will be working in pairs" Mr Locas starts to explain as I look down at the paper. "However your partners will be chosen by me and not yourselves" A string of complaints rises but the teacher silences them quickly. "Enough, you partners will be chosen by me, no exceptions." he looks around the room with a stern expression. He started to call out names and partner them up. "Brooke Kingston" he said looking at her, "Ms Kingston you will be paired with Mr Knight" he said after looking around the classroom and his gaze finally landing on me. Brooke shoots up out of her seat and speaks rather screams for the first time since the class started.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! I AM NOT WORKING WITH THAT ASSWIPE" Mr Locas is now glaring at her like his life depended on it.

"Excuse me Ms Kingston, mind your language, sit down and stop being disrespectful." Brooke is still seething as she slowly lowers into her seat. Her head whirls to face me as she shoots me a deadly glare. I raise my hands up slowly indicating that I'm innocent in this situation.

The rest of class goes by without another words from Brooke but I can tell she's still mad as fuck. Everyone had walked out of the classroom and just as Brooke was leaving I grab her arm and pull her back until her back is flush against my chest. I lean my head next to hers putting my mouth right next to her ear so close I hear her breath shallow a bit and I whisper "You know I don't wanna fucking work with you either stop being such a little bitch and fucking deal with it." She pulls away from me and shoves me back.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me again" she huffs and with that she walks out and slams the door.



Hello humans.

Surprise I'm still alive. Shocking I know. I just have no idea what to write half the time so yeh.

This chapter is low-key bad so I'm sorry but whatever.

Have fun reading.


Wania :)

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