Chapter 7: Controlling yourself

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Narrator: A week later, Lincoln is in his room

Lincoln: *Reading ace savvy comic* This is an amazing comic *hears arguing outside* Huh?

Lori: I don't understand how the others see you as the guardian, and not me, I'm the oldest

Luna: True, but your so violent and self abusered, so they don't trust you

Lori: I'll show you violent! *Tackles Luna, and fights her*

Luna: Ohh yeah? *fights back*

Lincoln: Uh oh *leaves his room, to see the fight go to Lori's room* I know I shouldn't butt in, but I want to help Luna.

Luna: You've proven my point *continues fighting Lori*

Lori: Your a hypocrite *continues fighting Luna*

Narrator: Out side Lori and Leni's room, the others worryingly watch the fight

Luna: *Gets advantage* Oh that does it! *Goes to her room and grabs her guitar, to smash at Lori. Then re-enters Lori and Leni's room* You really are heartless

Lori: *Recovering from pain*

Luna: *Points her guitar at Lori* You deserve this *lifts her guitar in the air*

The other loud kids: *Gasp*

Lori: Oh no *cowering in fear*

Luna: *Before Luna slams her guitar on Lori, she stops and hesitates* *in head* What are you doing Luna? This dosen't make you better then Lori, it makes you worse, I can't be a guardian sister, if I hurt my older sister *lowers her guitar, and leaves the room to see the siblings and her parents, and collapses on her knee's, drops her guitar and cries* What am I doing? *Sniff* This isn't who I am. I'm an awful person.

Narrator: The others comfort Luna

Luan: It's ok Luna *hugging Luna*

Rita: You stopped yourself, and that's good

Leni: We're here for you

Lana: Your not an awful person, you stood up for us

Lola: I learned that sometimes you have to do bad things, with good intentions, that's what you did.

Lisa: Deep breaths older sibling unit

Lily: Poo poo, Wuna *hugs Luna's leg*

Lynn sr: it'll be ok Luna

Narrator: While the others comfort Luna, Lincoln has had it with Lori not getting properly scolded

Lincoln: *Looks at Luna crying, and looks at Lori, and gets mad* That's it *Goes to Luna and Luan's room, and grabs a giant symbol, and enters Lori and Leni's room*

Lori: Lincoln what are yo...

Lincoln: *Slams the symbol on Lori's back*

Lori: OOOOWWWWW *in pain*

The others: *Shocked by Lincoln's actions*

Lincoln: THAT'S FOR YEARS OF MISTREATING US, NEVER AGAIN OR ELSE!! *goes to his room in frustration*

Luna: Oh my God, I gave Lincoln violent tendencies *stops crying*

Lynn sr: Now honey it's not your fault, people sometimes don't think straight when they're mad, he just needs to calm down.

Luna: *To Lynn sr* Dad, if it wasn't for me getting violent with Lori, this wouldn't happen.

Rita: She does have a point Lynn

Leni: *Checking on Lori* Guys, can we get an ice pack for Lori*

Luan: *Goes to get ice pack*

Lynn sr: I'm going to talk to Lincoln

Luna: No dad, I'll do it, I made him into this

Lynn sr: Ok... maybe we can both do it

Narrator: Later, Lynn sr and Luna are talking to Lincoln in his room

Luna: Lincoln, was that really nessacarry?

Lincoln: Yes, it's for years of Lori bullying us, verbally and physically

Lynn sr: While I don't approve of you attacking Lori, I see why you did it, even if it was wrong.

Luna: Lincoln, do you want me as a guardian? I feel like a bad influence

Lincoln: Yes, you always help me, even if it has bad intentions at times

Lynn sr: Ok, Lincoln you need to apologise to Lori to avoid being grounded

Lincoln: I'm not apologising, until Lori apologizes to all of us, and she has to say it like she means it.

Lynn sr: Ok

Narrator: Later, all the kids are on the couch

Rita: Ok kids, Lori say your thing

Lori: Guys, I'm sorry I abused and bullied you all for years, I just feel pressured of having all of you, it makes me make horrible choices.

Lincoln: And Lori, I'm sorry for hurting you

The other Loud kids: it's ok Lori *All hug*

Author: How was the story, did you enjoy it?

The guardian sisterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin