The first step

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It was now the next day as Sho and Green  met outside of the hotel they were staying at. Sho and Paimo were in awe of his new dynamax band as Green sweat dropped once he began fiddling with it.
Green:If you keep playing with that the band will break.
Sho:Fine, I'll stop but I still can't believe that Lance, the champion of Kanto and Johto gave me a dynamax band.
Green:I know it's exciting but you still have to calm down.
Sho:I guess you're right.
Green:So what are you planning to do?
Sho:Well since I entered earlier this morning my plan is to travel around the world.
Green:Well is it alright if I came along? I wanted to travel around the world and if I go with somebody it will be more interesting.
She instinctively hugged Sho which caused the young man to blush and she followed his actions seconds later.
Green:S-sorry about that.
Sho:It's ok.
He didn't know why but he kinda wanted that to last a little longer. Green quickly spoke out wanting to change the subject.
Green:So where do we go from here?
Sho:We could stay in Wyndon for a little bit.
Green:Awesome, there were a couple of stores I wanted to go to before the match.
Sho:Then let's go.
They then bead down to the shops that litter the streets of Wyndon. Despite Green having a fun time shopping for accessories and clothes Sho seems bored and uninterested. He never liked the idea of going to clothe stores but he didn't wanted to upset his new friend so he just went along with it. Eventually  they were outside of a scone store as Green was ordering food. Suddenly  an alert came from his phone.
Sho's phone:A world coronation series battle has been issued.
He looked around when a boy around his age with brown hair and black eyes wave at him.

Sho's phone:Do you accept? Sho:Yeah

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Sho's phone:Do you accept?
The pair then got into a fighting stance as a Rotom drone flew down. A crowd began to form around the trainers as Green squeeze through your get to the front.
Rotom:Today's battle will be between Sho Maelstrom of Goldenrod city and Tyler of Twin leaf town. You may both use two pokemon and the battle will be over once either of your pokemon are unable to battle. Ready battle begin!
Sho sent out his Chikorita Rose while Tyler sent out a Prinplup named Pippy.
Tyler:Use hydro pump!
Sho:Use razor leaf
(Current moves:Razor leaf, body slam, swords dance, synthesis)
Pippy sent a blast of pressurized water towards the small grass type but Rose sent a swarm of bladed leaves which sliced through the hydro pump and slashed at Pippy which caused the water type to fall on her back. Pippy grunted in pain before she gets back to her feet.
Tyler:Use drill peck!
She then begins to rapidly spin her beak as she charges towards Rose.
Sho:Swords dance!
Four holographic swords spun around Rose as her attack increased. She then avoided the drill peck by leaping up and propelling off Pippy's back before landing directly behind the starter pokemon.
Tyler:Drill peck!
Sho:Razor leaf!
Pippy turns with her beak still rotating as she is then carried off her feet by the swirling storm of bladed leaves and then is slashed on the stomach by 5 more before she lands in her stomach, barely able to get up.
Tyler:Icy wind!
A gust of cold air envelopes the grass type as Rose pushes through but noticeably slower.
Sho:Razor leaf!
A final attack from the sharp leaves take out Pippy as Tyler recalled his starter.
Rotom drone:Prinplup is unable to battle, Chikorita wins. Tyler send out your last pokemon.
Tyler:Zippy go!
He sent out his last pokemon a Yanmega.
Tyler:Ancient power!
Sho:Razor leaf!
Zippy picks rocks from the ground and throw them at Rose. She counters by sending her razor leaf attack which slices through the rocks and hit Yanmega for not very effective damage.
Tyler:Air slash!
Rose and Sho had no time to counter attack as Rose was hit by bladed air strikes which left her struggling to her feet due to the fact that she was still a first stage pokemon fighting a fully evolved pokemon and unlike Paimo, she didn't train exclusively to be able to fight while remaining in her first stage.
The red beam from her cherish ball sucked her back in as he got another and threw it revealing Rouge the Shinx.
(Current moveset:Ice fang, spark, bite, tackle)
Immediately, his intimidate ability took effect lowering 's attack stat as he snarls at the giant bug, ready to sink his fangs into him.
Sho:Ice fang!
Rouge leaps towards Zippy with his fangs incased in frozen energy as Zippy readies his own fangs.
Tyler:Leech life!
Just like his opponent Zippy's fangs glowed but with an emerald glow as the two fangs moves connected but due to the attack drop from intimidate Zippy's attack was countered completely by ice fangs as the dragon fly was sent back from the super effective attack.
Tyler:Ancient power!
Rouge is covered in a yellow light as crackling electricity surrounds him. He charges towards the bug type as Zippy sends flying rocks at the electric type only for them to be broken by Rouge before he is then hit by the attack. This surprisingly knocks out Zippy resulting in Sho being declared the winner of the battle.
Rotom drone:As a result of today's battle there has been a change in the world coronation series rankings effective immediately!
The drone flies off as Sho sees his rank of 9000 has increased to 8900.
Sho:Yes! The first step to my goal. Let's go!

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