Chapter 6

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Eddy went into the shower in a daze. I need to get myself together. He thought as he smacked his cheeks.

When he opened the shower, he was surprised by the sudden coldness. It did take him out of his unfocused state though, so he decided to just go with a cold shower today.

He allowed the water to trail his body from chest to toe, feeling the roughness of the day also being washed away. Taking a shower after a long day really is a great way to let off the energy and wind down, Eddy's mind is much clearer now but his body felt a bit too relaxed.

"Hey, you wanna watch a movie?" Eddy heard Brett calling from a distance when he stepped out of the bathroom.

Oh, so this is why Brett wanted me to stay?

"Sure," He answered nonchalantly, flopping down on the couch. "Anything special?"

He took the time to dry his hair, not wanting to fall asleep with wet hair accidentally.

"Yeah, well, I was thinking of watching the one I bought while you're away, didn't managed to watch it since then."

"I might just fall asleep, though, maybe not if you want me to see it whole." Currently in a good mood, Eddy voiced his honest thoughts.

"Hmm... What about we go for some old anime?" Brett's still staying beside the TV, looking at the stacks of tapes they brought from their own house before; he turned a bit to see Eddy while saying so.

Eddy just shrugged. As long as he's by Brett's side, he doesn't think he can concentrate on anything.

Feeling Brett's gaze still on him, Eddy tried not to look back, only peeking from within his towel. Nothing else came, though.

After a while, Brett seemed to give up with whatever he was up to, put something in the player, and came beside Eddy to half-lie on the couch. Music soon filled the room.

Oh, Debussy.

"By the way," Brett started, "Do you know someone called Toni?"

Eddy put down the towel he used as a barrier between himself and Brett's gaze. Playing the corners in his hands, he knew Brett could still see him, so he also decided to lie down in a different direction.

"...Yes. Why?" It took him half a second to realize who Brett was asking and connecting the dots with this afternoon.

"She told me she knows you."

Eddy thought for a second this time before replying. It depends on the definition of knowing someone.

"...I guess you could put it that way."

"Hmm?" Eddy couldn't see Brett's facial expression, but it seemed like he was in a good mood, too; his voice sounded relaxing.

I guess... It probably wouldn't hurt to explain a bit more.

"We just met that one day a few days ago, for an hour or two, jamming about anime music and chatted a bit, that's it."


Brett doesn't sound interested. Why bring it up, then?

"......Why is she with you guys today?" Since they were on this topic, Eddy decided to be real and ask his questions earlier.

"Oh, yeah, she's here because–" Brett suddenly stopped, and Eddy's heart felt a bit constricted at that. Is there something I shouldn't know?

Before he could worry himself into nothingness, Brett spoke up again.

"Do you remember I told you I went to a bookstore last Monday?"

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