Day Sixteen - "Ha! Nerd!" - Ninjago AU OneShot

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Another Pixane, but a High School AU this time!

You're gonna have way too much fun with this one.

Darn right >:D

Zane walked along the crowded halls, dodging expertly through the students.

It took a certain skill, but it worked wonders.

No one could touch him.

It was almost like he was a ninja or something...

"Ha! Nerd, you thought you could stand a chance against me?"

A slam from up ahead caught his attention, and he sped up to see what was going on.

One of the popular jocks, Matt, was slamming a girl into a locker.

Zane blinked for a moment, then grabbed a random book and chucked it at Matt's head.

No effect.

Matt stiffened and turned around slowly, scanning the crowd to figure out who threw the book.

His eyes lingered on the nerdy-looking students, carefully gauging their reactions and the number of books in their hands.

This guy is smart.

Zane thought.

Zane made eye contact with the girl, who was peeking carefully around the locker, and motioned for her to get out of there now.

She nodded thankfully at him and snuck away.

Zane smiled slightly, then turned his attention back to Matt.

Who was glaring right at him.

"Sooo... Zaney boy. Did you throw that book?"

Matt growled threateningly, taking a few steps so he was right in Zane's face.

Zane tilted his head as if in curiosity, putting a convincing expression of confusion on his face.

"Why would I do that? The book could have been severely harmed."

Matt snarled, grabbing the book and flipping through the pages.

"Let's just see if it belongs to you, hmm?"

Zane flinched as a page was torn, inwardly seething at the treatment that his poor book was suffering at the hands of a brute.

Matt noticed and smirked, slowly and deliberately tearing another page, purely to irritate Zane.

"Not your book then. Did you happen to see who did throw it?"

Zane gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"No Matt. I didn't see who threw it. Can I go now?"

Matt huffed and rolled his eyes, slamming the book back into Zane's chest and stalking away.

Such a jerk.

Zane thought rebelliously as he examined the damage done to his book.

Sighing, he walked toward the roof.

He needed to cool down.


Standing on the rooftop, Zane breathed in the cool afternoon air and sighed.

It was nice when there was no one yelling or fighting.

A small rustle behind him caused him to turn, and smile.

The girl from before stepped hesitantly toward him, returning his smile with a rather shy one of her own.

"Hello. Thank you for helping me before."

She murmured, walking up to stand beside him at the railing.

Zane smiled.

"It was no problem."

The girl looked at him, then looked at the book in his hand and her eyes widened.

"He did that?"

Zane was slightly taken aback, but he nodded.

The girl looked abashed.

"I am so sorry."

Zane smiled wryly and put the book away, turning to her.

"It was not your fault, you have nothing to be sorry for."

The girl nodded.

'If you will not take apologies, what about sympathy?"

Zane tilted his head.

"I will take sympathy."

The girl nodded, hiding a smile.

"I am Pixal."

Zane smiled.

"I am Zane. It is nice to meet you Pixal."

I like this one, I really really like this one.

You said the exact same thing, not even a chapter back.

I don't care, I like this one a lot.


I hope you liked it as much as I did!

Peace Out!

-GV & Vlee

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