Day Nine - "Don't go." - Ninjago OneShot

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So, I'm an avid lover of Racer Seven.

I personally like Akira, romantic-wise, but Seven is a fabulous friend.

Neither of us likes Harumi much.

*shakes head* Nuh uh, way too manipulative.

Anyway, I-


-we decided to do a short Seven and Lloyd interaction.

We hope you enjoy it!

Racer Seven sighed, irritated, and pulled her unsatisfactory plate of sushi towards her in defeat.

Two measly pieces of sushi weren't enough to bury her troubles lately.

Someone slid into the empty seat next to her and cleared his throat, but Seven ignored him.

Whoever he was, it wasn't her business.

He had a cool mohawk though.

He cleared his throat slightly harder, causing her to sigh and reluctantly put down her sushi.


Seven flatly stated, turning to the guy.

He wore a green mask, and a partial jacket, and had golden triangle tattoos along his left side.

His hair was shaved into an elaborate mohawk, and the triangles were on each side of his head.

But what interested Seven was his right side.

Some kind of metal circle device was implanted in his chest, and the right arm of his jacket was gold, like the circle and tattoos.

It seemed that partial shirts were popular nowadays, as Seven had seen several people wearing them.

"Have you ever noticed you always wipe out in the exact same spot?"

His voice broke into her thoughts, and it sounded familiar.

Very familiar...

"Heeeyyy... You're the guy from the racetrack! Where's my helmet?!"

Seven accused, hoping he was going to give it back.

It was her only helmet and she was kind of attached to it, however silly it sounded.

"You always wipe out at the fourth-mile marker. Why is that do you think?"

He pressed, looking her in the eyes intently.


Seven asked, getting a little creeped out.

"Who are you?"

"A friend. And I don't have long, so if you want a chance at winning, a real chance, you have to listen to me."

Seven was very confused, but she narrowed her eyes and decided to play along.

For now.


"You're not gonna like this, but it's the truth. Everything around you, all of this, everything you think is real? It's not. Prime Empire, the Speedway Five Billion, Terra Technica, all of it. It's part of an incredibly complex video game. And you're part of that game too."

Seven scoffed, turning back to her sushi and picking up her things, firmly believing that this guy was mad.

No way that's true. I'm outta here.

"Pfft. Right."

"No, don't go. Listen. Every race, you crash in the exact same spot. It's because you were programmed to. You were programmed by the game to lose."

Greenie leaned closer, speaking faster, as though he was desperate.

"But you don't have to. You can break the cycle. I've seen it done."

Seven got fed up, rolling her head and looking him in the eyes.

"Okay. Listen, pal, in about two seconds I'm gonna call the red visors, so BACK OFF."

She shoved him backward, turning back to her nearly empty plate of sushi for the third time.

Greenie stood up, speaking quietly and calmly.

"Just think about it. When you're ready to listen, I'll be at the empty lot in the market district. Nobody should be programmed to lose Seven. You deserve a chance to cross that finish line."

With that, Greenie left, walking quickly and running once he got farther away.

Seven watched him go and thought about all her races.

Strapped in.

Throttle forward.

Foot on the pedal.

The first time she wiped out, a car knocked her off balance and another rammed her into the wall.

It was at the fourth-mile marker.

Strapped in.

Throttle forward.

Foot on the pedal.

The second time, she clipped a pile of wrecked cars and smashed into the wall.

Again at the fourth-mile marker.

Strapped in.

Throttle forward.

Foot on the pedal.

The third time, she flipped out.

Crashing into the fourth-mile marker.

Strapped in.

Throttle forward.

Foot on the pedal.

The fourth time, all her wheels fell off and she slid to a stop.

At the fourth-mile marker.

Strapped in.

Throttle forward.

Foot on the pedal.

Again and again, over and over.

Always wiping out.

Always at the fourth-mile marker.

How have I never noticed?

"He's... he's right! It's real! Everything he said!"

She narrowed her eyes and started up her car.

It was time that she finally won for a change.

Whooooooooo, you go girl!

Show Unagami who's boss!

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this little blurb!

Again, we love Racer Seven!

And we hope you had a good day!

...that wasn't in the script.

I'm allowed to ad-lib, aren't I?


Peace Out!

-GV & Vlee

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