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"How far back can we go?"

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"How far back can we go?"

Not the beginning, definitely not the beginning. What was the beginning anyway? He knew some things, but was he willing to share those with the two strangers? No, not really. So why was he agreeing to this interrogation anyways? Was it the familiarity that oozed off of them? was it because Tony knew them? Or was it because they had triggered a wave of other memories?

"I don't know when I got out."

Will answered Steve, looking down at his calloused fingers. He had stopped petting the dog. He was still gripping the mug, looking into the tea as if he could find all of his answers there. Bucky and Steve remained silent, giving him time to continue.

"My cryostasis chamber had been damaged, someone had shot a bullet in me. I crawled out, removed it, and fled."

He felt uncomfortable but Bucky seemed to pick up on that.

"I was beating up Steve before really realizing that something was off. We were on different sides, I was supposed to get rid of him. He kept insisting on finding me and befriending me, somehow, I don't think he knows how to keep away from assassins and mad scientists. It's like he just can't help himself." He offered Will a teasing smile as Steve gave him a pointed look.

"You beat him up?" Will raised his head, looking towards Bucky with curious eyes. He had noticed his metal arm, but he hadn't thought much about it. 

Will turned into a disturbing man-wolf hybrid, a metal prosthetic didn't scare him.

"Yeah, I was in HYDRA. Brainwashed, did whatever they wanted for decades. Took me a long time to find myself from the shell of the Winter Soldier they had built around me."

Bucky wasn't uncomfortable talking about this, not with them. Steve knew, and so did Sam. He suspected if he shared his story somewhat, it would make Will a little bit more at ease. He caught Steve's stare, he seemed surprised that Bucky was willing to talk about it.

"Winter Soldier..." They looked back towards William who was narrowing his eyes, studying Bucky, analysing him with a different look. Steve tensed, had they met? Did they have history?

"They got you too, didn't they?" he asked, making Will look at him.

Steve hadn't yet had the pleasure of just talking with his brother without him trying to kill him. He was happy that he could be there, sitting so close to him, have Will talking to them willingly. Sure, he knew Will was ready to bolt any second. Hence why they had decided on this seating arrangement. Steve wouldn't risk it, even when the whole floor was currently on lockdown, he knew fairly well what HYDRA training would do to people.


"What did you do afterwards? When you got out of cryo?"

Bucky asked, catching Will's attention once again.

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