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He didn't know where he was, or who were the people studying him from some sort of hidden spot. Though it was completely silent, he could still feel their gazes burning into his skin.

Time had passed, and he could barely feel the churning in his stomach anymore, letting him know his heart rate had turned to somewhat normal and the threatening instincts had fallen into an uneasy slumber, giving him a little more room to breathe.

Not that he was happy being conscious. He knew what was coming, his body already recognizing the same old pattern of being forced down before his body became someone else's to control.  

The knowledge dawned and cold sweat coated his dirty skin as he tried to come up with a reasonable plan. Though his chances were slim, he could still remember the glimpses of freedom he had held in the palms of his hand. Besides, he had a dog to feed. So there was no chance of him staying locked up. 

Absolutely none. 

He tried to feel the cuffs, trying to see how tight they were. He frowned when he realized they weren't biting into his skin. They were loose enough to not be uncomfortable but tight enough for him to be unable to get out of them. 

The chair he was on wasn't cold as ice and hard as iron either, it was soft and comfortable instead.

How strange.

He had a feeling that this was not the work of Hydra but the unfamiliar group instead. He had encountered them here and there, though never really knowing their mission as he knew Hydras.

He was fairly sure that they didn't appreciate him eliminating their agents.

His instincts were somewhat dull and his mind seemed to be a bit slower, calmer even. He didn't like the weightlessness he felt, the inability to  be hundred percent present didn't help his anxiety that was forced down either. 

When the door hissed opened quietly, his mind didn't register it until he heard the light footsteps nearing and the door closing. He looked over towards the sound. His gaze focused on a lithe woman who became to a stop near his chair but not too close. Her dark brown hair was in a tight bun and eyes averted from his to let him assess her before making any other movements. 

Usually there were more people involved when it came to erasing his mind, he needed to get out. Despite her looking non threatening and keeping her movements slow, he didn't believe the façade one bit. The cuffs and drugs in her system were a constant reminder that he had no upper hand in this. He needed to get his body to function, he needed to leave. 

"Hello, I'm Uma Jazuat and I'm here just to fill you in, okay?" she offered a gentle smile as she slowly moved towards the table and computers to grab a rolling chair and roll it back to her previous spot. She sat down to be more eyelevel with him, to seem less threatening. 

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