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Call me broken, call me crooked, that is who I am.

But when God found me, a dried off broken branch, He reconnected me as a wild branch back to Jesus the Vine.

I have come to see that my best days are those days I start with God, and my worst days are those days I start alone.

Without YESHUA, I am just a broken clay vessel taking up space in the porters yard.

It's not my fault, inevitably connected to Adam the broken source also makes me broken.

So don't look at me and expect me to perform perfection.

I don't know a perfect man out there but I know a perfect God who gives us grace to be perfect.

YESHUA says be perfect just as I am perfect.

There is always a God to behold for everyday so that I can reflect a perfection that is not mine.

As the moon reflects the sunlight so I reflect the perfection of God who lives inside me.

Call me imperfect that is who I am because outside of Christ I am just a broken man.

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