Sachit:Sshhh! Everything's gonna be alright!Sshhh!Relax!Relax!(He said soothing me as he caressed my hair as vihaan just stared at the photos while he was in deep thoughts)

After around 5 minutes I was kinda normal,I sat back straight back as I wiped my tears and sobbed.As Bhai just encouraged me everything is gonna be fine.He then went and took the photo from that monster bringing that bastard back to reality.

Bhai's expressions also changed into rage after looking at that photos nd also at the photos on the floor,with each photo he saw,him boiling even more,we'll be glad I didn't yet slap that fuckin bastard!

Well ofc Bhai would be angry,he should be,I mean his best friend cheated on his sister so...well I was expecting Bhai to get the shit out of that demon but...

Sachit:Who sent u these pictures?(Bhai asked in a cold voice staying in the same position)

I told him the entire story with each second passing Bhai's nd vihaan's expressions changing while the confusing nd weird thing was that their expressions were changing into the same expressions,nd at the end both of them were red fuming in anger.

Sachit:Swasti...the pictures are real but vihaan hasn't cheated u!(I looked at bhai shocked nd also kinda disappointed that he was supporting this demon!)

Swasti: Unbelievable,Bhai ur taking his side,like...god...I didn't expect this from you Bhai!(my eyes clearly showing hurt and disappointment)

Sachit:I'm not taking anyone's side swasti,I'm just telling u what the truth is!These pictures are very old,they are from vihaan's past,he hasn't cheated u!It was simply his past that is not leaving him!

I looked at bhai shocked,nd I looked at vihaan who was in anger,our eyes met,nd I could see alot In his eyes pain,hurt nd yes it also said that whatever Bhai is saying is the truth.But what past?Nd what does Bhai mean by a past that is not leaving him!?

Sachit:Now plz don't ask me what past!I'm not the right person to tell u anything!And for now sleep both of u!It's late and u guys also must be very tired,u really ran alot from here to there,we will discuss this tomorrow morning,I promise nd plz even u guys don't talk anything right now,just sleep!(Bhai said as he then turned towards vihaan and hugged him as vihaan hugged him back and closed his eyes for a sec,I guess he felt relieved?but y?ok nvm...then I heard both of them muttering something to each other as they broke the hug,and then bhai came to me and put his hand on my head like I was a little girl and smiled Abit at me, indicating me to sleep nd not take stress!As I managed to give a veryyyyyy smaaaaallll smile,as Bhai then left and I looked at vihaan,who looked back at me nd we shared an eye contact for 5 sec showing each other alot of emotions as he broke the eye contact nd moved towards the couch to sleep.

Swasti:U...u can sleep here for today,u have run all day!(I said with my voice cracking Abit as I was yet sobbing,I just said this without looking at him as I lied Down on the bed and pulled the sheets over and turned off my side lamp before he could speak anything!

After around 5 mins I could the bed being pressed the other side,well this doesn't mean that I forgive him,or regret telling him all those stuff,ok yeah I agree he hasn't cheated,but he has done many more stuff as to y he deserved those words which I don't regret saying and moreover it yet didn't stop hurting that even if he didn't cheat me but he yet slept with that bitch!It just hurts for some reason to know that he slept with that little piece of shit nd actually even if it was not her I yet would have feel hurt,I don't know y,I mean I don't even like this devil then yyyy!!!

I could feel my eyes getting heavier maybe it isn't only because I am tired but also due to the fact that my eyes r swollen,I cried toooooo muchhhhhhhh!

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