Chapter 1: Opportunity

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Dark grey clouds poured heavy sheets of rain onto the streets of Cokeworth. It had been a dismal week of rain, as it had usually been in England. Severus Snape had woken up, as he did each day, groggily dredging for the supplies to make himself a cup of tea. He had taken to his muggle home in Spinner's End since the end of the war. He did not mind the rain so much, as he did the lack of a decent brand of tea. He placed a kettle of water on the stove and waited, rather impatiently, for it to come to a boil. He no longer used magic, which made day to day tasks more tedious than he preferred. Once ready, he poured the hot water and allowed his tea to steep. Severus held the the heated mug tightly in his pale hands as he scanned the scenery outside of his kitchen window. He saw a few children running up the street and almost smiled to himself. He couldn't help but miss the sound of children panicking over their bubbling cauldrons. Most days, he regretted not continuing his teachings at Hogwarts, but after everything that had happened he couldn't bare the thought of facing Minerva again. The moment he raised his wand to duel her was the moment he knew he had hurt his friend, regardless of his lack of wanting to injure her. He shook the thought from his mind and made his way to the armchair that sat in the corner of his parlor. He sat down and began to sip his tea. The warmth spread through him rather quickly, waking his cold body. He pulled a copy of the local muggle newspaper from the side pocket of his armchair and began to read. He couldn't help the nagging feeling to locate a copy of the Daily Prophet, he was curious to hear what news the Ministry had to share. He groaned frustratedly, knowing he was done with magic, but simply waved his hand and summoned a copy of the Daily Prophet to his hand. He sat back, almost smirking, as his eyes scanned the pages. He raised his mug to sip his tea, when he felt himself tense. He read the words again, aloud. 

"Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, seeking to hire Potions Professor..." Severus' voice began to trail off. Could he really go back to Hogwarts? Would Minerva even receive him?  Severus stood abruptly, ending his train of thought. It had to be worth a shot... it was better than wasting away in Spinner's End, that's for certain. Severus made his way up to his bedroom and began rummaging around. He suddenly stopped at the entrance of his closet. Severus smirked to himself and began to pull a trunk out from the bottom of the closet. He placed the trunk onto his bed, and began to pack clothes. 

He was going back to Hogwarts to talk to Minerva.

He was going back to Hogwarts...

He was going to talk to Minerva...

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