Chapter 3- Strangers

Start from the beginning

“Taehyun, you know he lies, you know that don’t you?” Yeonjun asked, sitting back in his chair.

Taehyun backed down, nodding his head in silence.

That was strange. Earlier it was Taehyun who agreed with Yeonjun being a liar but here he was now turning his blame to Soobin.

“I apologise Kai” Soobin apologised unprompted.

“No no it's fine but may I speak to Yeonjun alone for a second?” Kai asked nervously as he brushed off the situation, standing and leaving the room instantly as Yeonjun followed, a hidden smile on his face.

Now upstairs alone, the pair couldn't be heard.

“You needed me?” Yeonjun asked.

“Is that what you meant when you said he lies?” Kai asked timidly.

“Well, yes, if he goes out tomorrow it's most definitely for something else, Soobin’s family have been absent for years” Yeonjun asked.

Kai nodded in understanding.

“Aren't you going to accuse me of lying?” Yeonjun asked suddenly, stepping closer to Kai. he sounded accusatory. He sounded…disappointed?

“N-no, why would I do that?” Kai stuttered, becoming overwhelmed.

“They told you I lied, correct? They did, didn't they?” Yeonjun deadpanned.

“I- well- yes?” Kai answered unsurely.

“Oh Kai, darling, there's so many things going on here that you don't understand but do you know what?” Yeonjun asked through a sigh.

“What?” Kai answered quietly.

“Through everything this place may put you through, I’ll stay by you through it all. Life doesn't come easily for people like us, the ones with no family or friends to hold us up” Yeonjun said, smiling slightly.

Kai looked at him blankly

“Quite frankly I don't understand why you act like you know me” Kai answered honestly.

He had never told Yeonjun anything yet he acted like a long term friend.

“I don't mean to upset you, I was just assuming things, I apologise” Yeonjun said with a quick bow.

“No no, don't be sorry. God why was I nasty?” Kai asked himself after shutting Yeonjun down.

“People get defensive because of things that happen to them, you may be like that because I assumed correctly” Yeonjun shrugged.

“But why would you know?” Kai asked as if he were talking to himself.

“You don't need to be paranoid. Assuming your sister went missing after running away I just assumed it was a family situation type of thing” Yeonjun assured.

“That would make more sense,” Kai said, exhaling in relief.

“You don't need to let me scare you,” Yeonjun comforted.

It sounded bittersweet. Kai wasn't letting himself be scared. Scared was the wrong word anyway. More, cautious you could say.

“You dont scare me, none of you scare me” Kai said, sucking in a sharp breath.

“If that is what you think I will agree” Yeonjun remarked.

He stepped closer, his tall frame towering over Kai.

Kai gulped, turning his eyes to the floor.

Yeonjun raised a brow and laughed to himself lightly before placing his arms around Kai in a hug. Kai didn't know what to do with himself. An almost stranger with mixed singles suddenly hugging you isn't something he could understand.

His arms subconsciously lifted to hug him back. He finally felt how thin Yeonjun really was. He could feel every bone in his body. He always wore a long sleeved baggy shirt and loose trousers. His skin as well, the skin he could see felt as if it were ridged in lines that traced his bones. This must be Yeonjun’s burden. Kai knew he was thin just from looking at his face but he never imagined it to be so bad.

“Everyone here has something, whenever you want to talk about your something i'll be here for you” Yeonjun said, rubbing Kai’s back.

Kai could feel himself become inclined to cry. Kai didn't cry in front of people.

“Don't comfort me if you won’t stay around,” Kai answered, letting his arms fall from Yeonjun.

Yeonjun let go of Kai, looking at him with a stern face.

“Wherever I am, I always come back. Me leaving will never be a problem” he replied quickly before removing himself back downstairs leaving Kai in his own thoughts.

Something about the way Yeonjun spoke made him want to open up to the man he could no longer call a stranger.

“But you just left,” Kai whispered as his heart strangely sank.

These strangers were feeling closer than he thought they were.


It's been pointed out that Yeonjun's kinda like Moonjo from Strangers from hell and now I can't stop seeing it. All I need is to give him a job as a dentist.

Votes and comments are highly appreciated :)

Love youuu <3

~Author C

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