When he returned back to the waiting room, Emily was talking to Anderson. The surgeon was telling her what was going on. Zeke heard that Gavin was awake and would be moved to the room shortly. He mentioned that Zeke knew which room and to follow him. He had to go again, but he assured them that everything was fine.

Emily was as nervous as Zeke when they arrived in the room. It was way too open with the bed not there. Emily sat by the window as Zeke leaned against the wall with the teddy bear in his hands.

"I'm glad it came to this, but whenever he has surgery, it scares me," Emily said. "Would his condition make it harder for him to heal? We've tried to keep him from bleeding for the last three months."

"We've never been good at that," Zeke admitted. He plucked at the soft furs on the ears of the bear. "As much as we say he needed us, we needed him."

"When he first told me of your arrangement, I thought he was nuts. Why would he follow the rules of a masochist to the extreme. But then he talked about you and the way you took care of him without him having to ask. I realized a little too late that he had grown to like you despite everything. Then when all this happened, he leaned on you more than I thought he should."

"I never hurt him without his permission. I never took what he didn't want to give."

"I know that now, but the way he explained it made it seem like you took advantage of him."

"Did he tell you his grandfather sold him basically?" Emily looked at him, green eyes wide with disbelief. "I helped bail his family's company out of financial straits and his response was to put the only heir in the contract. I would have taken a colossal loss had I breached the contract so the only thing I could do was bring him here."

"And your relationship?"

"Purely coincidental. He was drunk one night and asked if I was interested in him. He kissed me which he doesn't remember, but that was our first night. After that I couldn't let him go. I was and am addicted to his gentle personality. The rules just came naturally after that."

Emily was beginning to understand how deep Zeke's affections were for the younger man. From the sounds of it, most of the things done were in response to what Gavin had done first. But through it all, Zeke had never been brutal with him. He had always been honest with him from the beginning. Zeke liked things a certain way, but Gavin had shaken all of that.

The door opened and a nurse's back was all they saw at first. He backed in slowly followed by the length of the bed. Gavin's scalp was next followed by a second nurse. They were chatting happily at something Gavin had said. They locked the wheels and set his head up.

"Dr. Wright will come by in the morning to check on him," the male nurse explained. "If all goes well, he'll be discharged by supper."

"Thank you," Emily said. She slid by the bed and took the hand with the IV. She rubbed it gently. "How do you feel?"

"Sleepy, but anesthesia is supposed to do that," Gavin replied. "They did it in the sternum this time. It was less painful in the hip."

Zeke nodded. "Anderson said they'll give you some painkillers to take home." He looked at the bear then handed it to him. "Here."

Gavin's tired face softened. "Did you get me a gift?"

"Not really. This is from your donor. I'll get you whatever you want, though."

The younger man nodded and took the bear. He looked at the yellow roses, fingering one of the petals lovingly. He then ran his hand over the soft fur of the bear. He found the note and opened it. A smile lifted the corners of his lips.

"Is she still here?" he asked.

Zeke nodded with a smile. "She'll be discharged this afternoon. She and her husband will fly out tomorrow."

"I'd like to see her before she goes."

"I'll ask her. She may just want you to recover. Is there anything you want? I'll get it for you."

Gavin handed his bear to Emily so she could read the note and put the bear on the table. "I'd like a Sprite. My throat is dry."

Zeke pushed off the wall and walked to the bed. He rubbed Gavin's bald head then kissed the top of it. "Alright. I'll be back shortly."

Gavin grabbed his hand before he left. Zeke turned around, eyebrows raised in question. "You didn't do it right."

The older man smiled again as he turned back. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the younger man's. Gavin smiled into it as he brought his taped hand up to press him in closer, fondling the soft hair under his fingers. Zeke pulled away then pecked his lips again.

"Emily, do you want something?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No, not right now. Davis said he'd bring us dinner if we wanted."

"I may take him up on that. But for now, I'll be right back."

Zeke left Gavin in his friend's care and went to the vending machine. As he counted out the change, it made him realize he hadn't done this for anyone before. Now that he had someone that actually cared for him, he would be able to live happily for the rest of his life. He hoped Gavin could feel and live the same. They'd been through so much over the last year, and somehow they'd come out on top. He wished this feeling would remain.

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