Chapter 4: New School!

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My dad told me to get ready to go to school. I hate being the new girl so I'm really upset about it. He said i'm going to Jefferson High. I put on black skinny jeans with a white laced shirt and my white vans that had flowers on it. Lupe drove me to school,she is actually really nice and is trying to get to know me. She dropped me off and I took my pink book bag with me. I walked right in and I hear a beep beep beep ! All of a sudden the security guard is all up on me. He reaches into my pocket and takes out my phone. He said that I need to take out my phone and put it on the counter before I go through the metal detector. I'm so stupid. I told him I was new at this school and he told me he knew and good luck. I then walked away. The principal told this girl to show me around. "Hi my name is Bella," she said. I told her my name is Hannah. She gave me a tour of basically of the whole school. She then showed me my locker which was number 69,the one next to hers. Two lockers away from me was this really cute boy. He had wavy short hair, was tan,had shoe game, and a really cute smile. I stared at him for awhile and he noticed that I did so I turned my head really quickly and speed walked to math. I heard him say hi to me but this couldn't be good if I was staying with Jay. Speaking of Jay I still left that message unread and I kind of feel guilty about it. Bella sat next to me in math. Which was perfect so we could pass notes. I could already sense that she was going to be my best friend. Oh no! I kind of yelled this in my mind as I saw that cute boy walk in the class,I was only hoping to have the same classes as Bella not him. I saw him sit next to this other girl. She was blond with curly hair and wore a white T,red skinny jeans with a plaid shirt tied around her waist. I already did not like her because that boy sat next to her. I passed Bella a note and it said what is that boy's name? She passed the note back as I read the name Danny. She smiled at me and I smiled back. She asked me if I was interested. I said kinda but I'm in a long distance thing. I asked her if he had a girlfriend. She said yea. I asked who it was and she said Miranda,the girl sitting next to him. She said don't worry cause they are an on and off thing.

~long chapter for u guys! Hope u liked it please vote and comment. If it takes awhile for me to update it's cause my tablet that I used it for got damaged so now all I have is the ipad that me and my sis share. It sucks! The pic on top is her new best friend Bella.

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