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Chris p.o.v
I could of stayed in jail..this high school shit ain't gonna be for me

Trey: long time no see my bro

Me: same here

We gave each other a hug

Jade: hey let me get one

I gave her a hug too

Me: soo what y'all been up to since I've been gone

Trey: nothing really changed I mean besides us looking different

Jade: mhm

Me: and y'all still date that's crazy

Jade: ay he's the love of my life

Me: that's cool

Trey: so what's up with you

Me: they got me taking pills and shit..I don't need it

I saw that girl from earlier walk past us

Me: ay who is that

Jade: nailani why

Me: You know she told me she's a fan of mines

Trey: that's a first usually people hate yo ass

Me: I know

Jade: she's harmless Chris

Me: what about her friend

I noticed the girl with the long ponytail kept looking at me

Jade: oh kierra she's a mean one she always in fights

Me; what about nailani

Trey: you trying to see what females you want huh

Me: maybe or maybe not
End p.o.v

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