Chapter 3: The Lesser Evil

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𝓡𝓮𝓷𝓯𝓻𝓲 has stayed by my side for many moons. I have taught her much. From hunting to fighting to the art of persuasion. Under my tutelage, she has grown into a remarkable woman and a valued friend.

She opened up to me the first year, telling me of her dark past. Renfri was once a princess born on the day of the Black Sun. It was only when her father married a woman known as Aridea, when her life began to crumble like dust in the wind. Her stepmother claimed that Renfri would be the cause of her death and that of many others. With the help of the sorcerer Stregobor - who believed Renfri was one of sixty women destined to bring the end of human civilization - she arranged to have the young princess murdered. However, the hired thug chose to assault her instead. Renfri ended him with a brooch through the ear. Ever since she has been on the run from Stregobor and her stepmother's men.

The moment I was told, I cut Renfri's hair and helped her dye it brown. We've trained every day since.

Aridea sent many assassins our way but my Little Rabbit has dealt with them without fail. She has even earned the name 'Shrike' due to her penchant for impaling her victims. Soon after, Renfri became so infamous that it was difficult to find anyone that would try to kill her. Then by a miraculous stroke of fate, Aridea died from poisoning. My friend and I celebrated when the news reached us.

We traveled for many moons. Renfri and her band of gnomes would spend their days robbing merchants throughout Mahakam while I sought out monsters to kill. However, the gnomes argued one day - killing each other until only Renfri and I remained. Then it was like the beginning, just us and the wilds of the Continent.

Renfri leans over my shoulder to peek at the letter I am currently writing.

"For Yennefer?"

I nod, "Yes, I just received news from her so I thought it best to respond before we move again."

My friend grunts, "What did she say?"

I chuckle at her. She's constantly jealous of Yen, complaining about how often she insists on writing to me. Brushing it off like usual, I reply, "She has completed her training and has Ascended. Yen even manipulated her way out of her original position in Nilfgaard for a better one as the court mage in Aedirn, the capital of Vengerberg. In her words, the look on Fringilla's face was brilliant - though not as brilliant as Yen's newly acquired beauty."

Renfri mutters, "Always so confident and vain."

"Reminds me of someone else in my life," I roll my eyes. "If given the chance, I believe you both would make splendid friends, Little Rabbit."


With another sigh, I rub the crown of her head, "Why don't you go downstairs and order us beer and a meal? I'll follow shortly."

She stands up with a huff, "Very well. Do be quick. We need to strategize how to entice Stregobor out of his damn tower."

I nod once as Renfri exits the room we share in the tavern.

The silence that surrounds me is broken by my scrawling writing and the sounds of the drunk folk of Blavikan.

Dearest Yen,

I do always enjoy your letters. It fills my heart with profound happiness to hear of your Ascension. You must be proud of yourself - at least a fraction of my own pride in you. I would have loved to see the look on Fringilla's face as well, however, I must warn you of making enemies in a world where they are far more common than allies.

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