Get Out More

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"You need to get out more."

Violet has been in therapy with her therapist Calum Hood for about 5 years now.

"Wow, so blunt." Violet snickered.

"This is serious Violet, if you keep staying in your apartment you're not going to get better." Mr. Hood explained to the long haired brunette girl sitting in front of him.

"Okay Mr. Hood." Violet looked down at her hands.

"Do you have anyone you could go to a party with or something?" Mr. Hood asked Violet as she looked up into his dark brown eyes.

"One of my friends who stuck with me after highschool has been begging me to go to parties with him." Violet frowned at the idea of being around people.

There were only four people who she was okay with being around. She was still getting used to being around Mr. Hood, I mean how is she going to handle being around a large group of people.

"You should go to one of them, I'm sure this friend would be happy." Mr. Hood said with a smile.

"Okay, but like what would I even do there? What would I wear? Who would I talk to?" Violet tugged at the ends of her sleeves.

"You would talk to people and meet new people. Maybe finding a boyfriend or even a hook up would be a good start. You should wear clothes, as long as you're there it's fine, but as of now you can tell me all about it at our next session." Mr. Hood shuffled Violet out the door.

Violet unlocked the door to her apartment, the only place she really felt comfortable in.

"Hey mockingjay." Violet said petting the black and white cat that laid on her bed.

Her room was piles of books stacked to the ceiling, just like every other room in the apartment. Violet was always reading.

She pressed the button on the answering machine to listen to the messages that were always left unanswered.

"Hey Violet, it's me again. I know you're not going to answer, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to this party tonight? God this is so stupid." The boy on the answering machine sighed.

"What do you think Finnick? Should I go?" She asked the second cat on her bed, a tabby cat.

"Fine, I'll listen to Mr. Hood and I'll go." Violet said talking to the 5 cats on her bed.

"Hey Violet what's up." The boy said over the phone. "Wait Violet!?!?" The boy said excitedly.

"Hey...I wanna go to that party tonight!" Violet tried to hide her awkwardness.

"Really! Okay I'll pick you up at 9! I can't wait to see you Violet!" The boy hung up the phone.

Calum sat in the dim office light, when his phone rang.

"Cal we booked a gig at another party tonight, we need you there." Luke begged Calum over the phone.

"I don't know man, I'm looking over my notes right now." Calum sighed, reading the long list of notes on the paper in front of him.

"Dude, you're always looking at your notes. What kind of patient are they for anyways?" Luke asked inquisitively.

"You know I can't disclose that information Luke, but if I must say something, I'm looking at my notes from today with this girl. I mean I'm always looking at her notes." Calum admitted.

"A girl? Shouldn't you be looking at your other patients' notes too though?" Luke put on his favorite band tee.

"Yeah, but you don't understand Luke, she's different. I've been with her for 5 years and she has barely changed. Maybe I'm a bad therapist." Calum threw his notes on his desk and got his stuff together and walked out the door.

"1. Stop talking about her like you're dating her. 2. I understand more than you think and 3. Don't call yourself a bad therapist, some people just can't be helped Cal." Luke grabbed his keys and walked out the door.

"Anyways I've got this girl I'm picking up for a party. I've been begging her to come to one of our gigs for the longest time." Luke smiled as he got into his car.

"Oh, you're bringing a girl? Why didn't she come to our other gigs? What's she like?" Calum asked while walking into his apartment.

"Well...she's kinda shy. But she's very cute. I mean she's got these glasses and she always wears these baggy clothes. She's kinda always at home and I don't even know what she does at home but I don't care. To be honest she's kinda like you." Luke thought out loud while driving.

"Hey I don't stay home all the time! I'm also not shy. And for your information I do work at home." Calum paced around his apartment.

"Okay man. I'm at her apartment. I gotta go. I'll see you at the party. Oh and don't forget the bass."

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