2 Years Before Now

140 14 10

Trigger warnings hooray more death but hopefully it isn't too bad for you guys also some mild depression enjoy

Swift POV

"In the truck you get, slowpokes!" She yelled at Echo and Esther, who were just walking out of the gas station. "I refilled the gas tank already, hurry up!" The three hopped in the truck, where Willow and Pancake were already waiting.

"Swift, when we get to Glacier there won't be any snacks," Echo said, flopping into their seat with a dramatic groan. Swift sighed and started the truck. Her partner leaned over and plugged their phone into the speaker. She saw them turn on Welcome to the Internet by Bo Burnham. Swift pulled onto the main road again, bracing herself for the singing to come.

"Welcome to the internet

Have a look around

Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found

We've got mountains of content

Some better, some worse

If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first."

Pancake's amazingly tone deaf voice joined Echo's harmony.

"Welcome to the internet

Come and take a seat

Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?

There's no need to panic

This isn't a test, haha

Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest."

By the time the third verse came around, everyone had joined in. Pancake was singing to her heart's desire, not caring that she sounded completely off key. Echo's voice kept cracking, keeping Swift cackling as she drove. Esther was belting it, and Willow was curled in the corner drawing something.

"Welcome to the internet

What would you prefer?

Would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial sl*r?

Be happy

Be horny

Be bursting with rage

We got a million different ways to engage."

In the rear view mirror, Swift could see Willow turn off her ipad and join in with everyone else, singing quietly but vibing with everyone else.

"Welcome to the internet

Put your cares aside

Here's a tip for straining pasta

Here's a nine-year-old who died

We got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sports

And a bunch of colored pencil drawings

Of all the different characters in Harry Potter BLEEPing each other

Welcome to the internet."

Everyone shouted "BLEEP" when the bad word rolled around. Swift physically couldn't laugh anymore, so she resorted to hiccuping, not by choice.

Swift pulled into the trailhead parking lot and everyone hopped out. Pancake opened the back and started chucking camelbacks at everyone. Swift caught two and threw one to Echo, who caught it with an 'oof". She grinned and kissed the Pravum. Pancake let out a groan and covered her face. "My eyes have been scarred," she muttered. Swift laughed and tackled the food girl.

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