He shakes his head no before moving off

"Ms Kacey, follow me go greet dem people deh please" Candice asks, changing the topic before they walk off

I spot Aaron sitting on the wall, on his phone and I make my way to him

"Set it for 1p.m tomorrow" He finishes before hanging up

"You don't want to have kids?" I ask


"Why not?"

"Time and place. This conversation affi go wait until later"

I hiss before walking off and he grabs my arm and pulls me back

He then, turns my back towards him and press his lips at my ear
"Anytime we deh pon eh road yuh start yuh fuckry. Should I take it as a sign to fuck the attitude out of you right here or can you wait until we get home to have the conversation?"

"Yes. Take it as a sign"
Is what I should have said, but instead, I say nothing

"Answer the question"

"Aaron and Kenya come on. We're about to start" Candice shouts from across and I try to move off but his grip is firm

"Did you answer or am I deaf?"

"We can talk about it later" I say and he loosens his grip

He's now holding my hand and we walk back to the crowd

"I'm going to ask persons in blue to stand on the left and pink stands on the right" Candice's mother says

I wave at her when we make eye contact and she returns it with a smile

I stand on the right, realizing that only five persons wore pink

Candice and Cheese stands at the front

"Ready?" She asks and they nod

A helicopter is now hovering above us
"Look up"

The excitement starts and Candice is on top of her lungs

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The excitement starts and Candice is on top of her lungs

The males are now crowded around Cheese, causing chaos

I run to Candice with my arms stretched open for a hug

"Yuh know when yuh can feel something before it happen? This is it. Me did know say a boy" She says and I chuckle

The hug lasts a bit longer and my face lights up when I see Cheese behind us

"Congratulations" I tell her before letting go and she turns around

Her hand is now over her mouth, covering her smile...or gasp

"I'm not a romantic, never fantasized about love, never considered marriage.....Until the day Candice tell me she pregnant. Just like that, couple months feel like years...You know me more than me know me self and you want better for me than I want for myself. I know for a fact that your the perfect person to raise a child with. I've never been this happy and at peace. Mi nuh think me need a next sign." He finishes and the crowd start cheering

"Be me w-"

"Yes!" Candice shouts with excitement and the crowd chuckles

We hug and congratulate before the music starts up again and I'm now searching for Aaron

I don't think he was here for the proposal

I decide to call him so I walk to the back, where there is less noise

I press the phone at my ear
You've reached the voicemail box of...

I ring again and it's the same thing.

Where the fuck is he

I make my way back to the front and as I'm walking pass the group of males

"Him soon fawud zeen? 5 minute"


Something nuh right....

Something, about this just seems so off

I want to ask Cheese, but he's so happy, he's the only one out of all the males without a screw

I don't want to be that person, but I also really want to know what the fuck is going on

I sigh before sitting on the couch, infront of the pool

"Yuh good?" Candice ask and I nod

"Yuh sure?"

"Yeah, how yuh feel?" I ask and she shrugs

"Mi fraid"

"Afraid of?"

"I don't know, me just feel like me nuh ready"

"Ready to be a wife or ready to be a mom?"

"That sound so weird coming out of your mouth. Too much, too much. Soon to be wife and a mom at such an early age"

"Right, it's a lot" I chuckle

"But, If it's not the right timing then you'll know for sure....You don't necessarily have to get married right away. You could just be his fiancé until you are ready. I'm sure that's what he has in mind.....As for being a mom, I don't know how it feels so maybe I'm not the best person for that" I say, eyeing her mother, who is staring at Candice on the other side of the pool

They don't have the best relationship.

"She lucky she get invite" She hisses

"Yuh fi try build back a bond with her. I think that when you have this child it's going to change your perspective on everything so try before yuh conscience start kill yuh"

She sighs before getting up

"Alright,  me soon come"

Aaron's POV*

"Dem handcuff ya deh cut off me circulation. Take it off"

"Mr Lewis, Do you know why you are here?" James asks


"We just want to ask a few questions, sorry about that" A police woman says, entering  the room

"Take it off and leave" She adds

James takes the handcuffs off before leaving

"Mr Lewis..."

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