The Situation at Hand. (Edited)

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(I still didn't proofread, but I did fix a few spots that I felt could be patched up. I'm honestly just planning on rewriting this story entirely, but with the present timeline, because it seems pretty cool)

The first thing that Lunar noticed when he woke up was that he wasn't in Moon's mindscape. But he also couldn't sense Moon's presence in his own mindscape. Which was confusing because they usually swapped places when Lunar was in control. The second thing he noticed, was that he was falling. From the ceiling. And the landing most definitely hurt.

He ended up sitting there for a while, mainly just out of shock. He eventually gathered himself up enough to take note of where in the daycare he was and if he had any system damages from the fall. He found nothing, so he decided to try something that he usually didn't do. "Moon? Are you there?" Lunar found himself asking hesitantly.

He frowned when there was no response. "Moon?" He repeated, rather confused.

He heard a thump from behind him and immediately shot to his feet, feeling alarmed. "Lunar" He heard a familiar voice say from behind him.

"Brother?" Lunar said while spinning around to look at the animatronic. Instead, he saw Sun.

"Oh, uh, hi Sun!" Lunar exclaimed, a little nervous about this. Meanwhile, Sun just looked at him confused for a moment.

"But Moon was at the back of the daycare less than a minute ago? How are you over here, Lunar? What are you doing here?" Sun asked, confused as well as worried for Moon.

Lunar stared at Sun for a second with growing confusion. "For the first thing, I've been here for about three minutes so how would you have seen him a minute ago?" Lunar said quizzically while giving Sun a 'what are you even talking about' look.

Sun froze for a second and then turned to look back the way he had come from. "But that shouldn't be possible?" He said, however, he sounded uncertain.

"For the second and third things I don't know how or why I'm here or over here. I was in Moon's mind but then I was here? I think I managed to fall from the ceiling because I kinda blacked out for a second—" Lunar continued before getting interrupted.

"LUNAR!" They both heard another voice and Sun immediately looked panicked, shocked, and more confused than before. Lunar just felt a little happy at hearing the voice.

"Hi brother!" Lunar said brightly. And then he froze. "Wait- But Sun is right there and you're over th-" Lunar started.

"Lunar. We need to find a way to get back NOW. This is bad. It could ruin EVERYTHING." Eclipse interrupted, his voice sounded ticked and had an undertone of fear, irritation, and worry.

Lunar felt growing confusion. "Couldn't this also help us?" He asked.

Eclipse just gave him the 'are you really that stupid' look. Not that Lunar noticed or really cared, he got the look too often to really notice it as much. "In some ways, yes. In others, no. Because right now we can both be caught and plan would be ruined. Plus, if we get hurt like this, it won't do anything to the other two because the codes are separated and they have most, if not all, leverage currently." Eclipse practically growled at Lunar.

Lunar looked surprised for a moment, then he noticed a shadow's movement. "Is that so, Eclipse." They heard from above them.

Sun looked relieved. "There you are, Moon!" He said.

Moon dropped from the ceiling and stood beside Sun. "Eclipse, Lunar. Why are you two here and how did you separate from us." Moon sounded irritated and was glaring at both of them, more at Eclipse, but not excluding Lunar.

Eclipse gave him an equally annoyed look. "Do I look like I freaking know." He growled back at Moon.

"I'm not sure how we're here- I just woke up and was falling from the ceiling-" Lunar replied.

"You were falling from the ceil- y'know what? I don't want to know. Eclipse, tone your stupidity down to a minimum. It's giving everyone here a migraine, except maybe Lunar-" Moon stated.

Eclipse just glared at Moon while Lunar tried hard not to smile and laugh at that. "MY STUPIDITY?! HAVE YOU MET THAT IDIOT YET!?" He shouted and pointed at Lunar obviously a 'little' ticked off.

Lunar only felt slightly hurt at this seeing as how he himself thought that was true. Though it did hurt a bit more to hear it from his brother even though he's heard it a lot from him.

Moon just glanced at Lunar. "At least he acts smarter than you most of the time- he doesn't provoke us as much, he kinda just acts like a child on caffeine" He responded to Eclipse cooly.

Eclipse looked like he was trying very hard not to commit murder in that moment despite knowing he wouldn't be able to do much. "I will throw you off the nearest cliff, Moon." Eclipse threatened.

"By all means, Eclipse, try it." Moon replied with a dark smile.

Eclipse paused for a moment and searched Moon's face before realizing that would be a challenge he would most likely lose. "Next time, Moon, I will." He snapped.

Moon just chuckled "I'd like to see you try you stupid *bleep*."

Sun gave Moon a look when he cussed but didn't say anything because he knew Eclipse deserved it and that it was true.

Lunar only looked slightly surprised at the short little interaction. "What are you gonna do then?" He asked Moon and Sun.

Moon looked at Lunar for a minute before responding. "I mean, do you expect us to 'lock you up' or something?"

Lunar looked slightly uncomfortable at that. "I mean, I would prefer that you didn't but I wouldn't really blame you if you did..." He said quietly.

Eclipse gave Lunar an exasperated look and sighed. "Lunar. Don't give them ideas." He stated.

Moon seemed to think about it for a second. "I meannn, we could lock Eclipse up, but I feel like he'd just end up breaking out and find a way to hurt Sun-" he started. "Or you!" Sun interrupted.

Moon sighed and simply said, "Or me, I suppose. Though I am confident in my ability to beat Eclipse's *BLEEEEP*."

Eclipse looked extremely offended after Moon said that. Lunar had put his hands over his mouth to stop a surprised burst of nervous laughter. "Why you little!-" Eclipse growled at Moon.

Lunar stepped between Eclipse and Moon. "Calm down brother-" Lunar said while feeling nervous about this.

Eclipse glared at Lunar. "Don't tell me what to do Lunar." He snapped lowly, though he did stand down, at least for that moment.

Lunar looked down at the ground, staying quiet for a second. "I just did...." He mumbled without looking up at Eclipse.

Eclipse immediately tensed up and looked ready to hit Lunar, but he took a deep breath and calmed himself before he could do anything rash in front of Sun and Moon.

"Sun, Moon, how and why is the kid and the anger issues *bleep* here?" They all heard a gravelly voice from the Superstar Daycare entrance.

(Yay! CLIFFHANGER! It took me two days to write this one chapter- I feel dumb-)


Separated (Writer's Block lol)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora