Such a Shame

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Touched-down on the Island of Gods;
People come here to no longer feel lost.
But I don't feel lost, I don't understand;
Why am I here when I'm a confident man?
Maybe, deep deep down, I know I'm not,
I know my confidence, at its core, is gone.
But who am I to decide where you are?
It's such a shame, you're probably too far.

An Irishman should never be on this island, man.
I'm too pasty to be under this sadistic sun.
My hotel room has no air con, nor a fan;
Like a criminal, I'm on the run.
Where can I go?
The locals speak in such a wickedly amazing tongue;
It's such a shame I can't understand a word;
I could learn, but I'm far too lazy;
The most incredible news, haven't you heard?
I escaped and I'm here in Bali.

Caught an irritating illness just two days in;
God, what the fuck did I do to deserve this punishment?
Sitting in my sweat and unholy others;
Like Lost, I don't know these characters.
The unkept, almost violent landscapes;
Single me out, "He cannot escape."
So I keep running, I will race until my legs fall off,
Or until some Balinese farmer shoots his shot.
It's such a shame I can't find my way;
You'd love the real me.

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