Special Chapter |Nightmare of Cinders

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Once upon a time in a land far, far, away, there lived a young girl named Rhaenyra.

She was beloved by both her parents, Aemma and Viserys, being their only child. Rhaenyra grew up to be a happy, albeit a tad willful, young woman.

Alas, one day, her mother fell ill and passed shortly thereafter. Rhaenyra and Viserys were beside themselves with grief for Aemma was not just a mother and a wife, but she was their light; the one who would guide them in times of confusion and difficulties.

Viserys, despite his grief, felt that Rhaenyra was too young to lose a mother. So, when the mourning period has passed, he sought to marry once more.

Eventually, he found a suitable bride for him--a young widow, Alicent. Her father married her to an old, decaying noble some years ago who died shortly thereafter, and had four children by him. Unfortunately for her, the noble's fortune was easily squandered by the excessive upbringing of her sons. Thus, soon, she found herself jobless and penniless. Her eldest daughter was eventually married off to some wealthy merchant while the youngest one sought to apply himself in a neighboring realm. Thus, she was left with her two eldest sons, who daren't apply themselves. Aegon was a wild child while Aemond had a temper of a beast.

Rhaenyra was less than pleased with her father's remarriage but she loved her father and so she tried to get along with her new stepbrothers. However, she soon realized that they were monstrous brats who had no regard for others. Rhaenyra was a pampered kid but at the very least she knew how to look after herself without driving the servants mad. Her stepbrothers were a different story. They would just leave their clothes everywhere for the servants to pick up.

One day, hard times befell the business of her father. Viserys' fleet of ships were held hostage by a group calling themselves the triarchy. He sought to salvage what was left of his business and decided to set sail.

When asked what she'd like as a gift, Rhaenyra replied that she only wants him home safe. The two boys, on the other hand, asked for fine wines, horses, knight armors, swords, and clothes.

Three weeks later, Alicent received a terrible news that the ship upon which Viserys sailed on, got shipwrecked. The weather was entirely fine so they did not expect a tornado to form in the ocean. The hapless ship got caught in its wake.

Alicent mourned once more. Now twice widowed, she wondered what ill fate has been bestowed upon her. Her sons meanwhile, mourned how they could no longer have the fine wines, food, beasts, steel, and clothes they so wanted.

Rhaenyra shed no tear in front of her stepfamily but she cried her heart out in her mother's grave.

After the patriarch's death, things began to change drastically. Without much coin on her purse, Alicent dismissed servants and began selling many of the house furniture.

Under the realm's laws, the properties should pass to the eldest male descendant of the decedent. However, Viserys had no other child but Rhaenyra. Neither does he have any known male relatives. The property was entailed thus preventing Rhaenyra from inheriting the land on which their home is built.

Alicent refused to work on the legalities in the meantime because she knew that it would beggar all of them. Worst would be they'd be forced to work in the trade of the flesh.

Due to the sudden changes in their circumstances, Rhaenyra found herself toiling alone for the four of them. This, she endured, for at the age of six and ten, she was still a ward of her stepmother.

Her only consolation at all these was the kindness of the townspeople towards her. Mr. Criston would ensure that he had the freshest bread available for her to buy. Mr. Harrold would sell her vegetables at a discounted price while Mr. Lyman would deliver coal and wood to their home at no extra charge.

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