"It was horrible." She whispered into the croak of her mum's neck.

"What was horrible?" Her mum asked softly as Alena pulled back so that she could stare at her mums face, she could see that the light pink night gown her mum wore was covered in black smudges from where she had been crying and she guessed that whoever had out her to bed and changed her hadn't been able to take off her make-up which meant her face would most likely be a black mess. She would normally care about how she looked but she couldn't find it within her, not when there were more complicated issues going on her life, such as her being part of a prophecy and her friends and possibly first love being huge, hairy dogs.

"I can still hear his bones breaking, the sickening crack and popping noises." She admitted as she cringed backwards. She looked at her mum to see that she was looking at her with concern etched onto every aspect of her face, her mouth pulled into a tight line of worry while her eyes were soft a filled with concern, a small frown was on her mums face showing just how much Alena was scaring her mum. Alena knew that she wasn't making any sense but nothing seemed to make sense anymore, everything she thought she knew, and everyone she thought she knew relatively well seemed to prove her wrong.

"Alena, sweetheart just breathe." Her mum coached her slowly as Alena stopped her incoherent mumbling as did as her mum said. She breathed in deeply feeling the air filled her lungs while her shoulders rose and her chest stuck out slightly before she realised the breath, her entire upper half sagging as she continued to breathe in and out. Her once erratic heart beat began to slow and the jumbled thoughts began to clear, leaving her mind empty and free. She could now feel a dull throbbing sensation at the back of her head as she lifted her trembling hand to the back of her head, her hair was now down and in a mass of wild curls and kinks as she felt the back of her head only to wince in pain, she could feel a bump and the raised skin and jagged line of where she had cut her head on the fountain.

"Samuel turned into a wolf." She whispered as she moved her shaking hand to her mouth and looked her mum directly in the eyes, hoping she would see the truth in her eyes and facial expression. She realised that as the words had slipped out of her mouth just how crazy she sounded but she needed to talk to someone and her mum was the perfect listener.

Alena knew that she couldn't tell Lucy, it wasn't her secret to tell and she didn't know how Lucy would take it, she would surely think that she was crazy and losing her mind and no doubt put it down to the added stress and pressure of the prophecy. She had already burdened Lucy with enough of her problems and she couldn't do that to her best friend. If Lucy were to believe her she knew that things would become extremely awkward between her, Daniel and Dean as well as Charlie and Alena couldn't do that to her, Lucy deserved to have friend, friends who had big secret but friends all the same.

"Alena..." Her mum's voice was calm and Alena knew that her mum thought she was crazy. She pulled back out of her mums arms and scooted away a little, grabbing the closet pillow and hugging it tightly to her chest, the pillow offered warmth and a sense of comfort as a dull ache began in her chest, I didn't heart it was only a little uncomfortable. She was confused at the feeling but put it down to the fact that she felt as if she had been betrayed by her friends.

Alena realised then that she had also betrayed her friends, Samuel, Daniel and Dean had every right to keep their other life a secret from her as she too had a secret about another life. She was a witch, and she hadn't told them and probably wouldn't have told them until much further into the friendship when she knew that she could trust them. Maybe they had planned on telling her when they knew that they could trust her; she didn't blame them for not telling her straight away, she would have freaked like she had anyway but maybe she would have been more accepting if she had found out in a different situation. But seeing the red eyed wolf standing so threateningly and how it had acted as well as how Samuel had easily torn the head from its body had bile rising in her throat as she realised that the sand coloured wolf was probably had a human sighed just like Samuel which meant that Samuel had killed a human so easily. He thought had her paling as she realised that Samuel, her Samuel was a murderer.

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