3. where is your wife?

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A quick morning routine and I am done preparing for the day. Other kids are up too. The first thing I did is to visit the library and start reading a psychology book. This is my life- Read, write, sleep and get in trouble. Should I add something else to my schedule? Yup need to work out, need a strong body to fight people. After two hours I came back to the orphanage where I found a very worried-looking Liv. I approached her.

"You look like you have lost your none existed husband," I told her. She glared at me. But after a while, she crouched in front of me with a soft smile.

"No matter what happens you can come back here. You are getting adopted." She told me good and bad news. I look at her in horror. No freaking way.

"Don't tell me he is serious." I gasp. Liv rolled her eyes.

"I packed your bag since you are lazy." She replied standing up.

"Thank God, liv you are best. But I am getting adopted again." I muttered while following her inside.

Jaiden and the director are already waiting for me. I feel like, I don't know. Who even gives such news in the morning? My day is going to be ruined. Jaiden offered me his hand, I took it and squeeze it tight but there is no emotion of discomfort on his face. Man is strong.

"I am always here for you. Come here anytime." Director Jung told smoothly.

'If you got kicked out again then come back here.' Translation of his sentence. I nod at him.

Jaiden didn't say anything and helped me inside the car. His car is nice. I bet he is like super rich. Then we got off to my so-called new home if I didn't get kicked out of this time.

My star turned into a black hole. I am in shit. This dude name Jaiden adopted me and here we are standing in front of his apartment. What should I do? I sighed for the fifteenth time. He unlocked his apartment and motion me to get inside. I walked inside and checked my surroundings and oh my God I had never seen such a depressing place in my whole life.

Fuck it. No actually fuck him. Why it's so dark? Dark sofa, dark walls, dark table, dark carpet. My lucky star is dead. It looks like a whole room is laughing at me. I glared at the room. Hello someone is here, even if you are, please don't show your face. I have no more to see any ugly faces in the morning.

"Oh God, I bet ghosts live in here," I cried out to him in pure disappointment.

"It's safe, kiddo," Jaiden replied nonchalantly. You can say that because you live here in this sick place dummy.

"Or are you a serial killer?"

"You are insane."

"And you are depressed as fuck."

"No, I am not. I am a completely healthy human."

"Physically you are but mentally you don't seem like it."

I sat down on the sofa. Jayden put on my bag and gave me a drink from his kitchen. Milk. Nice. But I am not that young.

"Where is your wife?" I ask him.

Jaiden looked at me in wonder thinking if he should tell me or not. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I am not married. I have been single all my life."

I look at him with wide eyes. Then why he adopted me I mean he is good looking can get any woman and then have a kid. I knew it since I saw him he is crazy. He is out of his mind. But it hit my nerves and I am going to kill him. No, wait stop. Clam down Jade. It's okay he is just a brat. But still.

"Then why the fuck you adopted me? People adopted kids because they aren't able to have kids. But you fucker. Are you out of your mind?" I yell at him.

"Hey calm down. I am not deaf."

"Give me a good reason or I will seriously going to beat you up."

"My daughter is violent and has a pretty big mouth." He said anything just not my answer.

I slap my forehead and sighed. Satan where is my patience, I need it. Jaiden crouched in front of me and took my hands in his. What is he going to do now? Crazy bastard. I look at him skeptically.

"Jade I adopted you because of my reasons, Don't worry I will take full responsibility for you."

"Fine but give me one good reason so I can understand your mind."

"I was alone for a long time and then I started living here busy with my work. I don't like dating and my apartment looks empty and depressing." He explained.

Still, I didn't get my answer. Empty apartment. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Just tell me directly that you are lonely." I pointed out a straight fact.

Jaiden's face falls he stood up and look at me in wonder. His face is full of shock. Yeah everyone does that often. Then he sighed. He pats my head softly.

"Let me show you your room. We can talk about this later." Jaiden said picking up my bag.

I didn't question him. It seemed like he almost got a heart attack. Of course, this bastard is lonely and decided to adopt me. He is going to regret it. I rolled my eyes.

If a human is lonely then they will be desperate and unhappy, they will feel unwanted and won't like human contact. It will increase their stress hormone and will affect the cognitive process. Don't mind me I am just spitting facts. Read it somewhere.

I checked my room, it's nice. Wow, this is huge and seems nice. I am going to enjoy myself here until I have to go back.

But first, need some lights here. I raise my hands dramatically and stare at the ceiling.

"If I live here I will be in depression too," I yell.

"You are dramatic." Jaiden comments.

"And you are lonely," I replied.

He didn't dare to say anything. He would not dare to. I smirk.

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