Spider held his hands up, "Get your girlfriend under control Aggie,"

Agnes stuck her tongue out at him, "She bites, I'd be careful if I were you,"

"Guys... That's not-" JoJo said, trying to come up with the best explanation, "What I think it's asking us to consider are the social consequences of sharing nudes with other—"

"That they'll see how hot I am?" Missy asked.

The class agreed with her, "Yes, Missy!"

"No. That there's risks like revenge porn, being excluded from friends, ethical reasons,"

Sasha made a face, "People have been sharing naked pictures since the dawn of time. For example, cave paintings, art,"

Ant yelled, "Renaissance titties,"

Agnes looked back at Dusty pointing at him, "Great, band name!"

"Nudes are like my love language, Jo," Agnes pouted.

"Okay. Yes. Fair enough,"

"Look, I get that this video isn't going to stop you, but there are ways to be smarter about it. Like, what if you don't put your face in it?" JoJo suggested.

Ant scoffed, "I have a very recognisable dick,"

"Like, take the photo, fine. But keep yourself incognito. You could even have fun with it! Wears disguise, a mask, or a costume," JoJo said.

Kendra leaned over, "Never send me a picture of you with a mask on. I have a phobia of masks,"

Agnes smiled, pushing Kendras hair out of her eyes, "Never say never,"

At the end of class, Kendra, Agnes, Darren and Quinni stayed behind as Quinni had something to show them.

"I need to show you guys something," She said moving her bag. Kendra looked over to Agnes and Agnes just shrugged, moving around to side Quinni and Darren were on.

Quinni pulled the table up and they all gasped.

"Fucking hell," Agnes mumbled.

"Shit," Darren gasped.

"Do we tell Amerie?" Quinni asked.

Harper may have had something going on for her, but this was too far. What happened to girl code?

"No way. We can't tell her," Agnes said, Darren nodded in agreement.

"Toby, Hey!" Kendra called out as she linked her arm with Agnes. They were out on the court, obviously skipping class.

"Am I in trouble?" Toby asked and Agnes shook her head.

"Finally found out why this one was avoiding me," Agnes said, giving Kendra a pointed look.

Kendra ringed her hands, "Look, Toby. I'm a lesbian. A big fat gay. I don't like you, you don't like me. But we both like Agnes," She said and Toby nodded, squinting his eyes.

SEVEN, HEARTBREAK HIGHWhere stories live. Discover now