Agnes pouted and leaned against his chest, "Well, I still need three anyways,"

Toby cleared his throat, "Can we talk about the other night?"

Agnes smirked, "I'm up for it again. Just tell Kendra to stop avoiding me,"

Toby sighed and nodded, giving her the wristbands. He then watched her leave, whistling as her ass bounced. Agnes turned around and tutted.

"I didn't take you for an ass guy,"

Toby shrugged, "I'm a you guy,"

In SLTs, Kendra turned up late and gave Ms Obah a note. She placed her bag on the table and took out pen and paper. There was some weird video on sex and consequences, but Agnes was too concerned with Kendra to watch it. It's not like it would help her in anyway.

"Kenny," Agnes whispered leaning over. Kendra didn't answer. Agnes frowned and leaned over again.

"Are you okay?"

Kendra sighed, "Can we talk after SLTs?" She asked and Agnes nodded.

"For sure,"

"With Toby too," Kendra said, not looking at Agnes. Agnes frowned, but still said yes.

Agnes didn't really believe in monogamy. Sure, if she found the right one, maybe she'd settle down with them. But it's human nature. Monogamy isn't for her and she hasn't dated one person ever in her life. It's always been a poly relationship or an open relationship. Agnes doesn't want to limit herself, and maybe she's greedy, but she doesn't care. That's the way she likes it.

She hoped that Kendra was on the same page with her on that.

Darren put up their hand when the video ended. Agnes was confused. Mainly because she didn't watch the video, but partly because the noodles distracted her from the actual lesson at hand.

"Okay, Miss, I have no idea what that was trying to teach us,"

Agnes shrugged, "Don't take peoples noodles?"

Quinni turned around quickly, "Why was it the girl forcing them to eat the noodles?"

"Misogyny!" Agnes yelled, Sasha nodded.

"Misogynistic propaganda," Sasha said and Agnes snapped her fingers.

"Say it, sister!"

"Was it supposed to be a joke?" Malakai asked.

"It was pretty funny," Agnes said.

"Uh, no, it's about the dangers of sharing intimate—"

"Noodles," Dusty said, interrupting JoJo. Agnes cackled, making Kendra crack up.

JoJo laughed lightly, "Forget about the noodles,"

"It's basically telling us to be ashamed of our bodies," Darren said and Agnes hummed in agreement.

"I should not be ashamed of this," She said, pointing to her body. "My body is a temple, Miss," Agnes said and Spider mumbled,

"It's something alright,"

Kendra turned around in her seat, "Fuck off, Spider,"

SEVEN, HEARTBREAK HIGHWhere stories live. Discover now