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Chapter 3

"Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much you can finally say

I'm used to it


"I gotta say I enjoyed the views you discussed in class today Bella. It was refreshing and unique. Since both of you share similar viewpoints on love I will be giving you an alternative assignment. It's still worth 30 percent of your grade." "Okay, so what is it?" Tyler shoves his hands into his pocket.

"I want you two to write a story, it doesn't have to be long but it has to be a love story, and it needs to have all the elements of a plot: Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution." "Mrs. Kim I just spent like five minutes going through all the reasons why I think love is fake and you expect me-" Tyler clears his throat and I roll my eyes "-us, to write a love story." "Again, I can't believe I'm saying this but she's right. What's the purpose?"

"The arts aren't the only thing that requires creativity. English does too. I want you guys to challenge your way of thinking by writing a story based on the one thing both of you find to be an illusion. It will be read to the class and if you do well on it, I'll consider counting that grade toward your final. I'll email you both a rubric you can use as a guideline. The first day to work on this is tomorrow in class. Start brainstorming tonight now shoo!"

I march out of class and curse to myself. "Great going brainiac." "Oh shut up donkey like you were any better, you agreed." "Yeah and now I regret it. This is your fault. If you had just kept your mouth shut for five seconds all this could've been avoided but nooo you just had to talk didn't you?" "Don't you have an off switch? And FYI you're just as much to blame Mr. I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree." "You know what? Fine, I'm gonna give you the chance to apologize that's the problem, you feel guilty about this morning and you're lashing out so c'mon, apologies." "Ha! Me? Apologize? Ugh, you're such a condescending pig! You think you're so high and mighty don't you?"

"I told you to watch your mouth." "Why? Because your narcissistic self can't handle a little truth? Well, to freaking bad you pig. You know what? I don't need this. Bye." I make a move to salute then stick out my middle finger. God bless Sarah Cameron. I push past him intentionally bumping his arm and stomping to the cafeteria.

The moment I step into the cafeteria, all conversations seize and everyone stares at me. I fidget under their gaze and walk to the lunch line. "Hi, can I have the fettuccine meal please?" The lunch lady nods and retrieves my food. I give her a five-dollar bill and walk to the table Alison is waving me over to. By the time I sit down, people's chatter has picked back up but others still watch me curiously.

"How is it that you're the new girl and you're already almost as popular as the trio?" I choke on my pasta. "Excuse me?" They share a look. "You didn't know?" Tessa furrows her brows and pulls out her phone then shows me her screen. It's a post on Instagram, a video, in it is me talking to Tyler to the end where I pour coffee on him and saunter away. "It's our school's official account for drama and stuff. You made it on your first day, that's pretty impressive."

I stare at the phone in her hand and glare, hoping it'll make the video somehow disappear. It didn't.

I spent the rest of my day glaring at everyone. Suffice it to say, the egomaniac has successfully ruined my day. Lunch was even more unbearable. Alison and Tessa went on about my two encounters with said egomaniac and I was the hottest topic in school. So much so that people have talked to me more today than in the past nine years.

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