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2,482. Now you might be wondering what that number has to do with anything. The significance? Let me tell you. Exactly 2,482 days ago my life went to absolute sh*t. Literally. 354 weeks of pure hell. No kidding, my life is the perfect example of hell on earth. Take this from a person who has spent the last 81 months finding solace within the confinement and safety of her plain beige bedroom walls, with the lights turned off, staring into the darkness. Sounds marvellous right? Wrong. It freaking sucks. Worst part? It's the only part of my day I look forward to, now if that's not completely depressing I don't know what is. Oh, and did I mention I was diagnosed with moderate anxiety 2,365 days ago? No? Well, it's wonderful having a panic attack and feeling like you're gonna die. Now isn't that just sublime? Okay, enough with the self-loathing, quite frankly I think I'm handling this whole "sh*tty life" thing pretty well. And that too without friends. Yep, you heard it here first, I am a social outcast. Do I care? Absolutely flipping not. At least now I don't have to worry about if my hair is sticking out or if I wore enough makeup. I'm actually loving this whole "being invisible" thing. Well, I thought I was. Allow me to elucidate, I moved from wonderful Michigan to splendid "Sunny California!" It's my first day at a new school, kinda nervous but I know what's gonna happen, call me psychic but I'm gonna walk in that building and no one is gonna see me...why? Because I'm bloody invisible.

...Or so I thought.


Hey everyone!

This is UC 2.0, I decided to change it up a bit, I'll put why I made changes at the end of each chapter, excluding this one because I just wanted to add a prologue.

Anyhoooo, what did you think? Please let me know!

Please comment/vote/share/fan/ship


- Thingimajiga

Undeniable Chemistry (Rewritten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant